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Workplace flexibility
Use workplace flexibility to support diverse and innovative workforces.
What is flexible working?
Flexible work is most commonly defined by what it is not – not the 9 to 5, central office arrangement.
Flexible work options
This resource will help you map your business' current state against a range of factors including those to attract, recruit and retain women.
Your questions answered
Below are answers to commonly asked questions.
The case for flexible work
Workplace flexibility is best when it meets the needs of both employees and the business.
Maturity assessment
Understanding the context and maturity of your business is a crucial first step in integrating flexible working arrangements.
A policy approach
A formal policy on flexible work explicitly states the intent and practices of an organisation.
Flexible Work Application Form
The Fair Work Ombudsman requires that requests for flexible work are delivered to the employer in writing to ensure clarity on agreements and adherence to legal requirements.
Flexible Work Managers Response
This form can help employees who wish to request flexible work.
Guidance for managers
Managers are critical enablers of workforce flexibility, serving as the bridge between policy and practice.
The role of managers
Managers are critical enablers of workforce flexibility, serving as the bridge between policy and practice.
Questions to ask when considering flexible working arrangements
Below are a series of questions managers should ask themselves before accepting or rejecting flexible work arrangements.
Handling difficult conversations
There may be times when you have to handle difficult conversations relating to flexible working, and that’s okay.
Supported Returner Program
Implement a supported returner program to recruit individuals who have been on an extended career break.
Returner requirements
While motivation and circumstances differ by individual, there are some common considerations across the broader group.
The case for a supported returner program
The benefits of a returner program go well beyond optics or moral obligation.
A guide to creating a supported returner program
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This map provides a high-level overview of the stages of developing the returner program. The tools to support you during each phase can be found in this document.
Perth North Local Jobs Plan
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The Local Jobs Plan sets out the training and employment challenges and priorities of the region, and associated strategies that will drive the design and implementation of projects to address these challenges.
Darling Downs Local Jobs Plan
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The Local Jobs Plan sets out the training and employment challenges and priorities of the region, and associated strategies that will drive the design and implementation of projects to address these challenges.