Supporting businesses to attract and retain women returning to work after a career break.
Complete this self-assessment questionnaire to identify actions that could improve your workplace for women and help your organisation to find and retain the best employees.

Australian businesses have an important obligation to ensure their workplaces are supportive environments for all employees, including women.
The following information is to assist businesses to improve the attraction, recruitment and retention of women in Australian workplaces.
A number of factors can influence how organisations attract, recruit and retain women. This can include the sector or industry a business operates within, the number of female and male employees across sites and management levels, human resource management policies that are in place to support employees, and the management and leadership styles within the organisation.
In addition, if you are working to promote gender equality within your organisation, you can expect to meet resistance. The VicHealth (En)countering Resistance resource draws together some effective tools and strategies to prepare for and respond to backlash and resistance to gender equality initiatives.
Visit the topic pages below or do a self-assessment of your organisation to identify actions to improve your workplace for women.