
The following is a list of all the resources that are associated with Skills Reform.

VET Data Streamlining Discovery 1 Summary Report


Summary of the discovery research that the Department Education Skills and Employment (DESE) commissioned Whereto Research (WhereTo) undertake into VET Data Streamlining.

VET Data Streamlining Discovery summary report March 2022.pdf

Industry Engagement and Qualifications Discussion Paper


The Improving industry engagement and reforming qualifications in Vocational Education and Training Discussion Paper is seeking your views and feedback on Vocational Education and Training (VET) reform. Your feedback will inform Commonwealth, state and territory governments in strengthening industry engagement in the VET sector.

Discussion Paper - Industry Engagement and Qualifications.pdf

RTO Quality Issues Paper


The RTO Quality Issues Paper focusses on issues around the Standards for RTOs and how to better foster excellence.

Issues Paper_RTO Quality.pdf

Supporting the VET workforce Issues Paper


The Supporting the VET Workforce Issues Paper provides an overview of the VET workforce key themes for the development of the VET Workforce Quality Strategy.

Issues Paper_Supporting the VET workforce.pdf