Fee-Free TAFE

Through the Fee-Free TAFE Skills Agreement (formerly known as the 12-Month Skills Agreement), the Commonwealth Government has partnered with states and territories to deliver over $1.5 billion funding for 500,000 Fee-Free TAFE and vocational education and training (VET) places across Australia over 2023 to 2026

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The Australian Government partnered with state and territory governments to establish the $1 billion 12-month Skills Agreement to deliver an initial 180,000 Fee-Free TAFE and VET places from January 2023. The Australian Government contribution of $493 million to support the delivery of training places was matched by states and territories.

In August 2023 the Australian Government announced an additional $414.1 million for a further 300,000 TAFE and VET places to be made fee-free from January 2024, with these places currently being rolled out nationally.

As part of the 2024-25 Budget, the Australian Government has committed an additional $86.4 million for states and territories to deliver a further 20,000 Fee-Free TAFE and VET places, including approximately 5,000 pre-apprenticeship places, over two years from January 2025, to boost the supply of the construction industry.

Further information about these additional places will be available in due course.

The Fee-Free TAFE Skills Agreement sets out training places across the following areas of national priority:

  • agriculture
  • care (including aged care, health care and disability care)
  • construction
  • defence
  • early childhood education and care
  • hospitality and tourism
  • manufacturing
  • sovereign capability
  • technology and digital
  • VET workforce from 2024.

The Australian Government has identified that Fee-Free TAFE will be prioritised for a number of priority groups, noting that specific details on priority groups, qualifications and courses may differ in each state and territory.

Priority groups include:

  • First Nations Australians
  • young people (17-24)
  • people who are out of work or receiving income support payments
  • unpaid carers
  • women facing economic insecurity
  • women undertaking study in non-traditional fields
  • people with disability
  • certain categories of visa holders.

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