
The following is a list of all the resources that are associated with Workforce Australia.

eSAM Quick Reference Guide – Linking existing Provider staff to new digital identity


This guide is for provider organisations whose staff and consultants already have an eSAM account with a user name and password. It shows how to link their accounts to their new digital identity, and allow them to authenticate into DEWR online services on behalf of their provider from February 2022.

eSAM Quick Reference Guide - Linking existing Provider staff to new digital identiy.pdf

Webinar Transcript and slides – 9 September 2021


This is a copy of the slides and transcript of a webinar recorded at AEST 3 pm on Thursday 9 September 2021, which provided an overview of the Workforce Specialists initiative and sought input on the development of the Workforce Connections Plan to underpin the initiative.

Workforce Specialists Webinar slides - 9 September 2021.pdf

Webinar Transcript and slides – 7 September 2021


This is a copy of the slides and transcript of a webinar recorded at AEST 3 pm on Tuesday 7 September 2021, which provided an overview of the Workforce Specialists initiative and sought input on the development of the Workforce Connections Plan to underpin the initiative.

Workforce Specialists Webinar slides - 7 September 2021.pdf

CEO Livestream, 6 August 2021, talking points


The department held regular national CEO forums and monthly CEO livestreams to get feedback and provide information related to the (then) New Employment Services Model. 

This presentation on the New Employment Services Model is a historical record of the CEO livestream held on 6 August 2021.

New model update for CEO Livestream 6 August.pdf

New Model update for CEO Livestream, 3 September 2021, talking points


The department held regular national CEO forums and monthly CEO livestreams to get feedback and provide information related to the (then) New Employment Services Model. 

This presentation on the New Employment Services Model is a historical record of the CEO livestream held on 3 September 2021.

New model update for CEO Livestream 3 September.pdf