Employment Facilitators and Employment Regions

If you are a community group or individual with ideas for skills and employment solutions or your business has workforce needs, the Local Jobs Program can help you.

On this page:

Employment Facilitators are on the ground in 51 Employment Regions and can work with you to develop solutions for your business and community.

Employment Facilitators bring together businesses, employment and skills services and community organisations to connect people to training, jobs and support services. 

Your local Employment Facilitator can:

  • Connect you with programs, services, funding opportunities and resources in your local area.
  • Provide advice to help businesses get the most out of hiring practices to attract and retain the right staff.
  • Work with organisations to develop workforce initiatives and solutions.
  • Share information and insights about the skills and workforce priorities and actions in the Local Jobs Plan.

In 4 regions, Regional Workforce Transition Officers have been appointed alongside Employment Facilitators as additional resources to assist with their transformation to a net zero economy. These regions are Fitzroy Queensland, Hunter New South Wales, Gippsland Victoria and South-West Western Australia.

Find your state and region for further information about how you can connect with your local Employment Facilitator and see the Local Jobs Plan in your area.