Programs and initiatives
We are working on a range of policy initiatives, programs and campaigns to help Australians from all walks of life.
- About the department
- Adult Learners Week national funding Skills and Training
- Advancing Gender Equality in Gender Segregated Industries Workplace Relations
- Asbestos and Silica Safety and Eradication Agency Workplace Relations
- Assessing Authority Policy and Assurance Skills and Training
- Assuring the integrity of the Targeted Compliance Framework Employment
- Australia's national workplace relations system Workplace Relations
- Australian Apprenticeships Skills and Training
- Australian Building and Construction Industry Workplace Relations
- Australian Skills Guarantee Skills and Training
- Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements and Completing Apprenticeship Commencements Skills and Training | Employment
- Building First Nations Skills and Training Partnerships Skills and Training
- Building Women's Careers Program Skills and Training
- Career Transition Assistance Employment
- Closing Loopholes Workplace Relations
- Commonwealth Scholarships Program for Young Australians Skills and Training
- Community Development Program (CDP) Employment
- Consultations Hub About the department
- Corporate Plan 2023–24
- Corporate Plan 2024–25
- Digital ID for accessing DEWR online services About the department | Digital Partnership Office
- Digital Partnership Office About the department
- Digital Skills Cadetship Trial Skills and Training
- Disability Employment Services Employment
- Employability Skills Training Employment
- Employer Advisory Service Workplace Relations
- Employing and supporting women in your organisation Employment
- Employment research Employment
- Employment Service Delivery Plans Employment
- Employment Services Data Employment | Workforce Australia
- Employment services evaluations Employment
- Employment services reform Employment
- Enterprise agreements data Workplace Relations
- Expert Review of Australia’s VET System Skills and Training
- Fair Entitlements Guarantee Workplace Relations
- Foundation Skills Skills and Training | Employment
- Foundation Skills For Your Future Remote Community Pilots Skills and Training
- Future delivery of foundation skills training in remote Australia Skills and Training
- Future Ready Skills and Training
- General Employee Entitlements and Redundancy Scheme (GEERS) Fair Entitlements Guarantee | Workplace Relations
- Graduate and Entry Level Programs About the department
- Group of Twenty (G20) Employment
- Independent Review of the Coal LSL Scheme Workplace Relations
- Industry Training Hubs Skills and Training
- Insurance arrangements for Employment Services activities Employment
- International engagement on labour issues Workplace Relations
- International skills engagement Skills and Training
- Job Seeker Assessment Framework Employment
- jobactive Employment
- Jobs Hub Employment
- Launch into Work Employment
- Local Jobs Employment
- Mature Age Hub Employment
- Meetings of Workplace Relations Ministers Workplace Relations
- Migrant Workers' Taskforce Workplace Relations
- National Careers Institute Skills and Training
- National Regulatory Framework Skills and Training
- National Skills Agreement Skills and Training
- National Skills Commission (NSC) Skills and Training
- National Training Complaints Hotline Skills and Training
- National Training Register Enhancement Project Skills and Training
- National VET Data Skills and Training
- Newsroom
- Pacific Australia Labour Mobility scheme Employment
- Parent Pathways Employment
- Parent Pathways delivered by the Australian Government Employment
- ParentsNext Employment
- Prohibition on the use of engineered stone Work Health and Safety | Workplace Relations
- Protecting Worker Entitlements Workplace Relations
- Real Jobs, Real Wages Employment
- Reconnection, Employment and Learning (REAL) Program Employment
- Remote Training Hubs Network Skills and Training
- Review of the Australian Apprenticeships National Skills Needs List Skills and Training
- Review of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 Skills and Training
- Revisions to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations Skills and Training
- Revitalising TAFE Campuses Across Australia Initiative Skills and Training
- Right Fit For Risk Cyber Security Accreditation About the department
- Secure Jobs, Better Pay Workplace Relations
- Self-Employment Assistance Employment
- Skill shortages Employment
- Skilling Australians Fund levy Skills and Training
- Skills Commonwealth-State Relations Skills and Training
- Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program Skills and Training
- Skills information for training providers Skills and Training
- Skills Organisations Skills and Training
- Skills Reform Skills and Training
- Skills support for individuals Skills and Training
- Social Enterprise Development and Investment Funds Employment
- Supporting worker transition through energy system changes Employment
- Technology and compliance Workplace Relations
- Time to Work Employment Service Employment
- Trainer and assessor requirements Skills and Training
- Training Package Assurance Skills and Training
- Training providers: your requirements Skills and Training
- Transition to Work Employment
- Using this site Welcome to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
- VET Data Streamlining program Skills and Training
- VET Student Loans Skills and Training
- VET Workforce Blueprint Skills and Training
- Vocational Education and Training for Secondary Students National Careers Institute | Skills and Training
- Wage subsidies Employment
- What's Next Employment | Workplace Relations
- Work for the Dole Employment
- Work Health and Safety Workplace Relations
- Workers' compensation Workplace Relations
- Workforce Australia Employment
- WorkFoundations Employment
- Workplace Reform Consultation Employment | Workplace Relations
- Workplace relations in Australia Workplace Relations
- Youth Advisory Sessions Employment