How Transition to Work gave Patrick the tools to thrive

Transition to Work helps young people like Patrick gain confidence and skills to enter the workforce

This story was first published on Friday 2 August 2024. If you wish to use this content, please contact to confirm that the information is still current.

Patrick gained his confidence, got his licence and explored his education options through the support of a Transition to Work provider.

Patrick, 22, was struggling with lack of career direction, his education history and his mental health. He’d left school early and without any employment history was unsure what his future held.

With a baby on the way, Patrick felt he needed to turn his life around. He joined the Transition to Work program for support and hasn't looked back since.

“What I found here was honestly a treasure trove of help.” - Patrick

Transition to Work is a Workforce Australia program that helps young people aged 15-24 years old with their pre-employment needs including education, training and apprenticeships, connecting them to local jobs and communities, plus training and much more.

Transition to Work helped Patrick gain confidence, get his licence, and gave him the skills to get him a job where he can support his young family.

We met with Patrick and his Transition to Work provider Aditi to talk about his experience with the program.

For more information on Transition to Work visit:

Correct at time of publication.