Information for Job Seekers

On this page:

Do I need to do anything?

No. You do not need to do anything at this point.

Continue to meet your mutual obligation requirements if you have them.

Speak with your employment services provider or the Digital Services Contact Centre.

Who is impacted?

People who are on a social security participation payment will no longer have their payment cancelled due to unemployment failures while this pause is in effect. People who have made a claim for a social security participation payment, but who have not yet received their payment, will no longer be subject to a non-payment period for unemployment failures while this pause is in effect.

Between 8 April 2022 and 5 March 2025, you may have been impacted if you:

  • were on a social security participation payment and
  • had your payment cancelled, or a non-payment period imposed, because of an unemployment failure.

Social security participation payments are:

  • Jobseeker payment
  • Youth Allowance for student and apprentices (other)
  • Parenting Payment (single) once your youngest child turns 6
  • Special Benefit (nominated visa holders).

This impacts people enrolled in in Workforce Australia, Disability Employment Services, or the previous jobactive program.

If you are in the Community Development Program you are not impacted.

Will these decisions be reviewed?

The Secretary is currently considering appropriate next steps regarding past decisions. 

Do I need to do anything?

No. You do not need to do anything at this point.

Continue to meet your mutual obligation requirements if you have them. Speak with your employment services provider or the Digital Services Contact Centre to make sure your requirements are appropriate for your circumstances.

Do I still need to meet my mutual obligations?

Yes, you still need to meet those activities which are in your Job Plan.

Talk to your employment services provider about what those activities are.

If you don’t meet your mutual obligations, your social security participation payment may still be suspended.

If your social security participation payment is suspended, reach out to one of the following contacts to discuss having your suspension lifted:

Who do I contact if I have a question?

If you have questions or are concerned, please call the Department of Employment and Workplace Relation’s National Customer Service Line for more information on 1800 805 260.

Who do I contact if I want to make a complaint

Please call the department’s National Customer Service Line to make a complaint on 1800 805 260.

Other contacts and information

You can also seek assistance from the Commonwealth Ombudsman at using the online complaints form.

If you are unable to complete the online form, you can call them on 1300 362 072.

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) gives every person the right of access to documents held by Australian Government agencies, unless the documents are exempt from disclosure.

For more information, go to Freedom of Information (FOI) - Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.