These skills strategies support and guide the sector in Australia.
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Digital Capability Frameworks for the Australian Workforce
Rapidly developing digital technologies are changing the nature of essential skills required in the workforce. A person’s capacity to use digital technology has become essential to participation in work and education. It is therefore critical for employers and educators to be able to identify and improve digital capability across different industries and occupations.
There are a number of frameworks that can be used to guide digital skills and training activities.
Find out more about digital capability frameworksSkills funding in Australia
The National Skills Agreement (NSA) is a 5-year joint funding agreement between the Commonwealth, states and territories to strengthen the vocational education and training sector. The NSA commenced on 1 January 2024.
- The NSA provides up to $12.6 billion in Commonwealth funding over 5 years
- It represents a fundamental shift in the way governments work together through a shared stewardship approach
- It identifies areas of national priority that require focused effort to address critical skills needs
International Skills Engagement
Engagement with international vocational education and training (VET) students helps position Australia as a global leader in skills training.
- VET International Engagement Strategy
- Understand how growth is supported
Support for apprenticeships and traineeships
The Skilling Australians Fund supports the uptake of additional apprenticeships, traineeships and other employment-related training to improve employment outcomes and meet employer, industry and labour market needs for skilled workers.
- Learn how the Fund supports the skilling of Australians
- Read the National Partnership on the Skilling Australians Fund
Energising Tasmania
Energising Tasmania invested over $16 million from 2019-20 to 2022-23 to train a skilled workforce needed for the energy sector and to support the Battery of the Nation initiative.
Energising Tasmania made it attractive for Tasmanians to access vocational education and training to meet energy sector skills needs through nationally recognised training. The Australian and Tasmanian Governments are working together to determine priority skills needs and eligibility.
Fee-free training in priority skills areas will equip Tasmania’s workforce with the expertise needed to build and maintain pumped hydroelectricity, and the electrical and engineering skills to build the interconnection infrastructure with the National Electricity Market.
The initiative was managed through a National Partnership Project Agreement. An agreed annual Implementation Plan outlined key activities and milestones for the delivery of agreed outputs. Copies can be found on the Council of Federal Financial Relations website.
Learn more about Energising TasmaniaSupporting life-long learning
Adult Learners’ Week is celebrated in the first week of September each year. It promotes the benefits of learning on improved workforce participation and productivity for adults. We provide funding to the peak body for adult education, Adult Learning Australia, to deliver activities to support Adult Learners Week.
- Read more about Adult Learners' Week
- See how the government supports Adults Learners' Week
Regulating training providers
Registered training providers must make sure training products are regularly revised and updated. They must comply with national competency and assessment standards.
- Learn about the extension period
- Link to VET regulators
- Understand the national VET standards
Skills Organisations
The Australian Government is piloting Skills Organisations to test ways to improve Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) sector.
- Learn about Skills Organisations
- Explore Skills Organisations Pilots
- Resources
National Skills Plan
National Skills Plan, developed by the Commonwealth state and territory governments, sets out the national approach to delivering Australia’s skills needs.
Find out more about the National Skills PlanGrowing the VET workforce
The VET Workforce Blueprint provides a roadmap for strengthening the vocational education and training (VET) workforce.
- The Blueprint identifies ways to grow and support a sustainable VET workforce.
- It identifies opportunities and actions for attracting, retaining and developing the workforce.