The Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework describes a set of non-technical skills, knowledge and understandings that underpin successful participation in work. These skills are often referred to as employability or generic skills. They include skills such as problem solving, collaboration, self-management, communication and information technology skills. The Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework Overview is also available.
On this page:
The Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework (the Framework) and the overview describes the core non-technical skills that have been identified by Australian employers and industry as important for successful participation in the workforce.
The Framework is not a set of standards nor an assessment tool. It is not intended to replace approaches to developing these skills that are already in place, but to provide a common underpinning that is relevant across sectors.
The Framework is relevant to career practitioners, trainers, educators and people who are involved in the development of training material, curriculum, standards and learning and assessment resources and can be used in a number of ways. For example:
The Framework provides a common reference point and language for those who develop learning resources including curriculum, courseware and training packages to conceptualise and articulate the skills, knowledge and understandings that underpin work performance, and for guiding further development.
Educators, trainers and those who work with job seekers (employment service providers, career practitioners) can use the Framework to develop resources and programs that support people to develop the skills and knowledge that employers want and
- Individuals can use the Framework to describe the core skills for work they already possess and those they would like to develop.