National Priority Fund

The National Priority Fund, part of the Local Jobs program, is designed to help address structural and other barriers to employment faced by people in our communities and facilitate job creation.

On this page:

The six priorities of the Fund are:

  • Supporting more First Nations people in employment, education or training in areas where Employment Regions and Community Development Program meet;
  • Supporting young people into the labour market through paid job placements in social enterprises;
  • Supporting mature age people to participate in the workforce and connect to jobs;
  • Supporting communities to become more resilient develop new employment opportunities as part of the transition to Net Zero;
  • Supporting Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) women through tailored self-employment programs; and
  • Redesigning jobs to better align with the skills and capabilities of people seeking work.

Projects under the fund range from $200,000 to $1 million (GST exclusive) and must be completed by 30 June 2025.

Successful National Priority Fund Projects

Following a previous tender process, the National Priority Fund is supporting the delivery of these projects. To view current and completed National Priority Fund projects, search the below table using relevant filters. Any queries can be directed to

New South Wales

Empowering and Enabling Return to Work

Flightdeck Crewing Pty Ltd
Employment Region:
Sydney South West

The Empowering and Enabling Return to Work project aims to support mature-aged CALD women to enter the Aviation and Aerospace sector as the Western Sydney International Airport and surrounds begin recruiting a local workforce in early 2025. To find out more, visit Empowering & Enabling the Women of Western Sydney | FLIGHTDECK Group.

Empowering and Enabling Return to Work

Flightdeck Crewing Pty Ltd
Employment Region:
Sydney Greater West

The Empowering and Enabling Return to Work project aims to support mature-aged CALD women to enter the Aviation and Aerospace sector as the Western Sydney International Airport and surrounds begin recruiting a local workforce in early 2025. To find out more, visit Empowering & Enabling the Women of Western Sydney | FLIGHTDECK Group.


Central West Adaptive Skills Hub

Lithgow City Council
Employment Region:
Central West

The project seeks to pilot a 'Central West Adaptive Skills Hub' and develop an industry-focused STEAM curriculum for students by upskilling and capacity building of local STEAM teaching staff. A range of workforce plans will be developed to support the transition into the future. The project will target participant enrolment in micro-credentialing for transition and net-zero related activities.

Clean Energy Council First Nations Community Engagement Project

Clean Energy Council Ltd
Employment Region:
Far West Orana

The Clean Energy Council First Nations Community Engagement project is a collaboration between the Clean Energy Council (the Supplier) and Original Power Ltd (trading as First Nations Clean Energy Network). The project aims to increase the capacity of First Nations community members to participate in and benefit from Australia’s energy transition. It comprises two components, delivery of First Nations engagement workshops for communities in three regional locations; and the development and dissemination of online training modules to assist industry to engage with First Nations communities.

Mobile Connection Hub

Community College – Northern Inland Inc
Employment Region:
New England and North West

The Mobile Connection Hub project provides a mobile service offering access, support and connection to those experiencing digital divide barriers, enabling them to engage with employment options and opportunities.

A vehicle, equipped with a satellite, provides internet access (both inside the vehicle and within a 20 metre radius) and online services to remote communities within the Moree Shire Plains region.

It also promotes and facilitates access to wrap-around and complementary programs and services including Language, Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy (LLND) skills. To find out more visit Moree Campus launches the Mobile Connection Hub.

ShoreTrack Social Enterprise (STEPS) project

Employment Region:
Mid North Coast

The ShoreTrack Social Enterprise (STEPS) project will provide accredited and non-accredited training to young people aged 16 to 18 years old, whilst they undertake paid work experience. Wrap around support will assist young people to address their barriers to employment. To find more, visit STeps – ShoreTrack.

The Regional Employment Agricultural Project (REAP)

Northern Settlement Services Ltd
Employment Region:
New England and North West

The Regional Employment Agricultural Project (REAP) matches the training and employment needs of participants with local industry needs and economic development priorities. It aims to increase the workforce participation of the Ezidi refugee and other migrant communities in the agriculture industry around Armidale.

The REAP is establishing a farming enterprise to deliver practical skills development and experience, formal language training, tailored accredited and non-accredited training as well as providing wrap-around services. To find out more, visit Mosaic.

Trauma-Informed Individual Placement and Support (TI-IPS)

Veritas House
Employment Region:
Central West

The Trauma-Informed Individual Placement and Support (TI-IPS) program is designed to deliver an evidence-based model of employment support that integrates vocational assistance and employment support with clinical mental health services.

The program is supporting young people aged 16-24 who are accessing out-of-home care or youth homelessness services and are not engaged in, or are at risk of disengaging from, employment, education or training.

Through a partnership between Veritas House and Orygen, research will explore the utility of the TI-IPS program and evaluate its implementation. To find out more visit Trauma-Informed Individual Placement & Support | Veritas House.

Entry Level Academy (ELA)

Macarthur Workplace Learning Program
Employment Region:
Sydney South West

The Entry Level Academy (ELA) was delivered to support young people aged 16 to 18 years old who were at risk from disengaging from formal education and/or training. The ELA targeted potential school leavers seeking an early transition into the workplace as well as supported young people to re-engage with formal education and training. To find out more visit Entry Level Academy (MWLP).


Care for Career

Crest NT
Employment Region:
Darwin (includes Alice Springs)

The Care for Career project is addressing workforce shortages in the aged care and disability sectors by promoting career opportunities and reducing barriers to recruitment and retention. Capacity building and mentoring opportunities for participants will support them to find their place in the community care sector within the Northern Territory. Wrap-around support for participants, including mentoring, will complement the development of work-related skills.

The project also includes establishment of a NT Care for Career taskforce, and stand-up of a ‘Hub’ to seamlessly connect a work-ready workforce with employers. To find out more visit Workforce (Crest NT).

Any queries can be directed to