Local Recovery Fund

The Local Recovery Fund is available in 51 Employment Regions (regions).

On this page:

The Local Recovery Fund supports locally driven activities that:

  • meet priorities identified in the region’s Local Jobs Plan
  • are tailored to the opportunities and needs identified in the region
  • address employment and training priorities; and
  • skill individuals to meet local employer demand.

Local Recovery Fund activities are usually sought via a Request for Proposal procurement process. If you are interested in developing a Local Recovery Fund proposal, contact your local Employment Facilitator.

To view current and past Local Recovery Fund activities, search the below table using relevant filters. For more information, contact your local Employment Facilitator.



Civil Contractors Federation South Australia
Employment Region:
Adelaide South
This activity assisted participants to become job ready for the civil sector by participating in employability skills and civil industry accredited training. The training aimed to increase industry work readiness and exposure by placing participants into traineeships, apprenticeships, or employment in the civil sector.

Connect Match Support - Driver Education South East 2.0

Australian Red Cross Society
Employment Region:
Murray and South East
This activity involved Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) participants from migrant and refugee backgrounds in the Limestone Coast. Participants received pre-employment support and training, together with driver mentor support to attain their Driver's Licence, resulting in a better opportunity to gain meaningful employment.

Connect, Match, Support and Driver Education South East

Australian Red Cross Society
Employment Region:
Murray and South East
The activity supported refugee and migrant participants to gain employment through three components: • Driver mentor program – skilled driving mentors assisted participants to gain their probationary licence and provide vehicle safety education • Job readiness training – one-to-one mentoring, English and computer training, access to volunteering opportunities, and job application and interview support; and • Connect/Match/Support – participants connected with employers to fill local employment opportunities.

Cultural Understanding for Training and Employment

Kornar Winmil Yunti Aboriginal Corporation Inc
Employment Region:
Adelaide South
The training provided localised, culturally appropriate education and support to increase the understanding and knowledge of Indigenous participants in the workplace, particularly those with barriers into employment. The training was delivered to employers, participants and new employees, with the aim of improving employment outcomes and sustaining employment.

Fit for Work

The Trustee for Career Co Australia Trading Trust
Employment Region:
Mid North SA
The activity was delivered over 10 weeks to participants across two streams, Fit for Work: Industry, specific to the manufacturing, mining and construction industries and Fit for Work: Wellness, a generalist focus on confidence, motivation, self-care, health and nutrition. Participants were required to pass pre-employment medicals, and attend educational sessions with local employers and health professionals on completion.

Fit for Work

The Trustee for Career Co Australia Trading Trust
Employment Region:
North West Country
The activity was delivered over 10 weeks to participants to address fitness and wellness for work barriers. Following completion of the activity, participants had to undertake pre-employment medicals, in order to enter the workforce in entry-level roles.

Game On

Maxima Training Group
Employment Region:
Adelaide North
A pre-employment program blending youth-oriented activities including box-fit class "Gloves" (combination of physical exercise through boxing) and/or video gaming. Participants received training on job search skills, resume preparation, job applications and interview preparation through the use of videogaming delivery strategies.


Employment Options Inc
Employment Region:
Murray and South East
The activity supported youth to participate in an 8-week program to assist them to obtain their learner drivers licence and become more competitive in the jobs market.

Growing Regional Tourism and Employment Project

Quality Training and Hospitality College
Employment Region:
Murray and South East
This activity delivered pre-employment hospitality training in two locations in Murray and South East Employment Region, which covered accredited and non-accredited modules on customer service and skills practice to prepare participants for work in the hospitality industry.

Growing Regional Tourism and Employment Project

Quality Training and Hospitality College
Employment Region:
Adelaide South
This activity delivered pre-employment hospitality training in two locations in the region, which covered accredited and non-accredited modules on customer service and skills practice to prepare participants for work in the hospitality industry.

Learn how Local Jobs is providing pathways for job seekers aged 15 to 24 years in the Illawarra and South Coast region.

Learn how Local Jobs is providing pathways for women over 45 back into the workforce in the Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast region, while also filling in-demand roles in the local childcare industry.