Northern Adelaide Plains Food Cluster Project
Northern Adelaide Plains Food Cluster Inc
Employment Region: Adelaide North
This activity provided participants the opportunity to participate in a one-month structured training program tailored to meet employers’ needs resulting in an apprenticeship or alternative employment in the horticulture industry.
Open Roads Project
Civil Contractors Federation South Australia
Employment Region: North West Country
This activity supported Indigenous and/or ex-offending participants in a 4-week accredited traffic management and non-accredited work ready skills training. On completion, participants were able to be employed and mentored by an employer.
Pathway to Security Industry for Aboriginal People
Tauondi Aboriginal Corporation
Employment Region: Adelaide North
This activity provided accredited and non-accredited pre-employment training to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants, for employment in the security services industry.
Renmark Paringa Road to Flood Recovery
Austland Management
Employment Region: Murray and South East
The activity utilised the tasks of flood recovery to re-engage long term unemployed participants. Participants were supported in developing a pathway into stable employment within the region. It offered work supervision, mentoring, employability skills, fitness for work and a chance to connect with the community and council to build the confidence, engagement, and self-motivation.
Retail Immersion
HITsa Training and Employment
Employment Region: Adelaide South
The activity comprised face-to-face delivery of two programs in Mt Barker and prepared participants for employment in entry level roles in retail or customer service industries. Delivery included accredited and non-accredited industry skills training plus coaching in job seeking, interview preparation and personal presentation.
Return to Calperum
Austland Management
Employment Region: Murray and South East
The activity engaged young Indigenous participants in a 12 week, 2 days per week pre-employment program in an ‘on country’ project to restore areas of Calperum station that were damaged due to the recent Murray River flooding.
Riverland Local Jobs Project
Australian Red Cross Society
Employment Region: Murray and South East
This activity provided support for 25 participants, including women and people aged over 50 to attain their provisional driving licence, improve their job readiness, and connect to employment opportunities.
Skills for Life Boot Camp
Adelaide Training and Employment Centre Inc.
Employment Region: Adelaide South
This activity assisted young participants to become employment or training ready through a 5-day non-accredited training program that covered a range of topics including life skills, health and lifestyle choices, confidence, resilience, emotional intelligence, mental health, and employer expectations.
South East Community Services Training Project
Boandik Lodge Incorporated
Employment Region: Murray and South East
This activity provided training and employment opportunities for participants and delivery of mentor and support training to existing staff members, including those from non-English speaking backgrounds. This program included developing and delivering a training program for disability support staff; developing and delivering hotel services pre-employment program; developing and delivering an on-the-job employability skills program in aged care.
Strong Women for Work
Kornar Winmil Yunti Aboriginal Corporation Inc
Employment Region: North West Country
This activity provided supports to unemployed First Nations women in a program focusing on addressing non-vocational barriers to employment, planning tailored pathways to training or employment opportunities.