The Glenorchy Aged Care Language and Literacy Preparation and Pathways Project
Work and Training Limited
Employment Region: Hobart and Southern Tasmania
The activity involved the provision of language, literacy, numeracy and digital skills training to prepare job seekers for a career in the aged care industry. The activity was delivered over 20 weeks and included weekly industry exposure experiences, a work-like environment for training, and one-on-one support, which enabled participants to successfully apply for and enrol in the Certificate III in Individual Support.
The Momentum Energy Customer Support Pre-Employment Training Program
Momentum Energy
Employment Region: Hobart and Southern Tasmania
This activity aimed to improve the skills and knowledge of participants for call centre and other customer-related roles and provided pathways to employment. The activity delivered a 2-day non-accredited training course in Superior Customer Service and Professional Telephone Techniques.
Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Program (THE Program)
Work and Training Limited
Employment Region: Hobart and Southern Tasmania
The activity aimed to create an entry pathway into tourism and hospitality industry for young people, long term unemployed, migrants, First Nations people and women returning to work. The training offered three weeks of training and hands on experience to increase the participants skills and abilities.
Watershed Employment Program
Big Hart Inc
Employment Region: North and North Western Tasmania
The activity involved preparing youth to access employment placements in the hospitality, care, agriculture, and creative industries. The activity delivered pre-employment experiences for participants through a combination of workshops, training sessions, work-like experiences, mentoring, industry exposure opportunities and delivery of recreational activities, community services and seasonal events.
Waverley Local Jobs in Textiles
Waverley Mills
Employment Region: North and North Western Tasmania
The activity aimed to improve the textile manufacturing skills and knowledge of participants and provided pathways to employment with Waverley Mills and the textile manufacturing industry. As part of the project TasTAFE worked with Waverley Mills to design and develop industry specific training and a workplace trainer program to upskill existing staff and assisted in recruitment and retention of entry level staff.
Work in the Disability Service Sector
Migrant Resource Centre (Northern Tasmania) Inc
Employment Region: North and North Western Tasmania
This activity involved preparing participants, primarily from refugee and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds living in Launceston, to access employment opportunities in caring, domestic, and maintenance roles in the disability service sector. The activity delivered pre-employment experiences for participants across a mix of accredited and non-accredited training modules and work experience placements in the disability service sector.
Youth Employment Pathway Program (YEPP)
Colony 47 Inc
Employment Region: Hobart and Southern Tasmania
The activity provided industry endorsed skill-set training across growth industry sectors such as building and construction, and transport and logistics to participants in each industry sector. The activity supported participants to obtain employment by providing industry co-designed, accredited, and non-accredited training, underpinned by tailored support for participants to address challenges and barriers to employment.
Ararat Settlement Project
Wyndham Community & Education Centre Inc.
Employment Region: Western Melbourne
The activity will provide pre- and post-employment support to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) participants from the Western Melbourne Employment Region (and their families) to relocate to Ararat within the Wimmera Mallee Employment Region to fill shortages in local industries. Support will include
• language supports
• industry training and connecting participants to employers
• community integration support
• culturally safe settlement.
• assistance in sourcing appropriate housing, council services, schools, health services and to develop community connections
Empowering Futures Food Processing
Edge Workforce Pty Ltd
Employment Region: Ballarat
The activity builds foundation and resilience skills to empower and enable participants to effectively connect with local manufacturers and achieve sustained employment outcomes. The activity involves a 4-week pre-employment program focused on enhancing life skills and work readiness of participants. Participants will have access to industry awareness activities, work placements with local employers, and ongoing support post program.
From Waves to Work
Brophy Family and Youth Services Incorporated
Employment Region: South Coast of Victoria
The activity involves tailored support for young people through Yarn, Surf, and Eat sessions designed to increase labour force participation. Industry leaders and/or employers will guide and support participants to help them identify potential career or education pathways