Review of the Australian Apprenticeships National Skills Needs List

The review of the Australian Apprenticeships National Skills Needs List is now closed.

The review

The Australian Apprenticeships National Skills Needs List was reviewed to:

  • Ensure the National Skills Needs List is fit for purpose and responsive to changing labour market conditions
  • Ensure an integrated approach to identifying occupations in skills shortage to effectively target employer apprenticeship incentives and apprentice payments
  • Contribute to a coherent policy approach to identifying and addressing skills shortages across government.

All the submissions to the Review were considered by the National Skills Commission (NSC) in the development of the NSC’s Skills Priority List.

Australian Apprenticeships Priority List

A new Australian Apprenticeships Priority List (AAPL) has been developed to support the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives System which will replace the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program on 1 July 2022. The AAPL has been informed by Skills Priority List published by the National Skills Commission and submissions to the Review of the NSNL.
