The Advancing Gender Equality in Gender Segregated Industries grant opportunity will run for 12 months over 2 financial years from 2024-25 to 2025-26. It is intended to advance gender equality in gender segregated industries, occupations, and workplaces.
The grant opportunity supports priority area 3 (economic equality and security) of Working for Women, the Australian Government’s gender equality strategy. It also builds on the Government’s gender equality commitments, which place gender equality at the heart of the workplace relations system.
The pilot program will identify actions that deliver tangible outcomes in gender segregated industries, especially in relation to safe and dignified amenities, flexible work and inclusive workplace cultures.
Peak employer organisations and state and territory Trades and Labour Councils were eligible to apply for this tripartite Grant. These organisations are uniquely placed to understand the challenges and barriers to gender equality experienced within particular industries, and to work with employers and industry to deliver fit-for-purpose customised solutions.
Successful projects under the Advancing Gender Equality in Gender Segregated Industries program are:
Delivery lead | Project description |
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry | Breaking Barriers, Changing Cultures through Women’s Ownership and Leadership
Driving cultural transformation through three interconnected initiatives: scaling the successful Chamber Change leadership program nationally, supporting women-led small businesses in male-dominated sectors, and hosting Australia's premier Women in Small Business Summit.
Operating across all states and territories, the project will target women with aspirations towards leadership and business ownership, particularly in male |
Australian Industry Group | Breaking Barriers: Advancing Gender Equality in Segregated Industries
This Project consists of three key Projects.
Project 1: Qualitative Research to identify gaps and barriers to gender equality in the workplace (50 participant organisations).
Project 2: Solution Development.
Project 3: Implement solutions with the participant organisations.
The intended outcomes include increasing awareness of their obligations and the positive impact of gender equality on workers and businesses as well as developing targeted industry-level initiatives that can be scaled beyond the grant period.
The program will focus on the Manufacturing and Construction sectors. The project will be managed by the Ai Group Head Office in Melbourne and will be delivered across Australia. |
Council of Small Business Organisations Australia | Advancing Gender Equality in Small Business: Industry Pilot Program
Advancing gender equality in male-dominated industries through direct business support, research, and resource development. Working with 30 small businesses across Australia, the program will develop and test practical frameworks for implementing gender equality initiatives.
This $2 million initiative will directly support 150+ employees, create industry-specific toolkits, and establish a digital resource hub accessible to over 15,000 small businesses nationwide.
Focusing on male dominated industries, the program will deliver scalable solutions for workplace flexibility, facilities improvement, and cultural change. |
Unions NSW | Collaborate with organisations to increase Gender Equality at work
The project will have three pillars. The first pillar involves reviewing workplace data to understand barriers to gender equality.
The second pillar focuses on providing tailored interventions to change workplace barriers and support women's career aspirations.
The third pillar aims to develop best practices for gender equity, including policies for leave and workplace flexibility.
This program will promote gender equality in gender-segregated industries. |
Victorian Trades Hall Council (in partnership with the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) | Women Onsite – Workplaces for Women (WFW)
WFW will promote gender equality in gender segregated industries and help to create workplaces where women are safe, respected, included and equal.
It will develop targeted gender audits, materials and training to improve workplaces by:
The WFW toolkit and resources will then be utilised in industry-targeted workplaces by trained women workers, leaders and other stakeholders to improve awareness and embed gender equality in their workplaces beyond legislative minimums. |
Queensland Council of Unions | Queensland Women Rise – Breaking Barriers, Building Equity
QLD Women Rise aims to advance gender equity by enhancing women's economic security and workforce participation in the construction, transport and maritime sectors, which are among Australia’s most gender segregated.
Building on workplace reforms and best practices, the project will deliver initiatives focused on flexible work, safe amenities, and improved WHS outcomes for women in up to four urban and regional pilot workplaces.
These will be developed, implemented, and evaluated with industry stakeholders, supported by research, education, and tailored resources.
The project targets supporting approximately 3,400 women.
A final report will assess outcomes, providing evidence-based recommendations to scale reforms across the three sectors. |
SA Unions (in partnership with the ACTU) | Critical Inclusion – Building SA’s Prosperity Through Gender Equality
The project supports the attraction, retention and progression of women in gender segregated workplaces in South Australia by developing and delivering targeted gender equality initiatives focused on flexible work, work culture, work amenities and WHS - underpinned by consultation, quantitative and qualitative research, tailored for targeted SA workplaces.
The initiatives include the development of tailored tools and resources, supported by educational sessions and training – designed to be scalable. The project culminates in the delivery of training and the design of a Gender Equality Planning and Implementation Programme. A final report evaluates the Project, outlines evidence-based learnings and makes recommendations. |
UnionsWA (in partnership with the ACTU) - | WA Workplace Gender Equality Project
This project will examine the drivers of gender segregation as they manifest in male-dominated industries in Western Australia. Informed by the findings of this examination and in consultation with key stakeholders and affiliated unions, it will develop tangible resources and skills, including best practice industrial provisions, policies, practices and strategies to address them.
Preliminary considerations are to focus on transport, and electricity and water. The project will develop resources and a training package to equip unions to be able to promote and enable gender equality in gender segregated industries. A training package will be developed based on these findings and delivered to unions in targeted industries within WA. |
Tasmanian Trades and Labour Council (in partnership with the ACTU) | Gender Equal Jobs
The Gender Equal Jobs Project promotes women’s economic equality and security in the transport, energy and utilities, and construction industries, engaging workers including at least 100 women, employers and industry stakeholders, and supporting up to 7,200 women in these industries.
Key activities: research into worker experiences and industry uptake of existing gender equality initiatives, development of tailored materials, training and workplace pilots.
Key outcomes: build knowledge and capacity to identify and act on gender equality workplace issues, supporting continued industry investment in gender equality workplace initiatives; and develop industry targeted initiatives that can be scaled or tailored beyond the Project life. |
Trades & Labour Council of ACT (in partnership with the ACTU) | Equality Works: Empowering women in gender segregated workplaces
The Equality Works: Empowering women in gender segregated industries project will promote equality in male-dominated industries through activities designed to improve flexibility, inclusivity and conditions for women working in these industries.
The project activities will deliver materials to support workplace leaders to create an inclusive culture in their workplace. These materials will be packaged into an Equity Works Toolkit, that may include audit templates, model clauses and best practice policies.
They will be developed through research and consultation in relevant male-dominated industries in the ACT. Workplaces leaders will be trained and empowered to use these toolkits to create positive change in their workplaces. |
Northern Territory Trades and Labour Council (in partnership with the ACTU) | WOMEN in MINING - Advancing Gender Equality in the Northern Territory
A Research and Development Project to Foster Inclusive Workplace Practices and Gender-Responsive WHS Training within the Northern Territory.
This project aligns with the Australian Government’s Women in Work initiative and seeks to drive gender and economic equality in mining by developing and implementing targeted initiatives that improve workplace inclusivity, flexibility, and retention of female employees |