International skills engagement

International skills engagement is progressed by maintaining systems and policies to support the vocational education and training (VET) student market, both here and overseas. This helps to ensure Australia is seen as an international leader in skills policy and system design.

VET International Engagement Strategy 2025

The VET International Engagement Strategy 2025 (the Strategy) was launched in December 2019.

The Strategy aims to:

  • Deliver on the full potential and reputation of the Australian VET sector internationally
  • Ensure the sustainable growth of the sector
  • Position Australia as a:
    • Country of choice for international VET students
    • Leader in the development of a globally skilled workforce

Organisations and agencies can use the Strategy as a guide to inform their individual strategic plans and international engagement activities.

The VET International Engagement Strategy is complimented by the Australian Strategy for International Education 2021-2030.

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