Generation Australia’s Sydney Greater West Disability Support Worker activity (DSW)
Generation Australia Ltd
Employment Region: Sydney Greater West
The activity delivered a 6-week blended face-to-face and online training program to prepare participants for entry-level roles in the disability care sector. Generation Australia engaged with local disability care employers to co-design the training content and participants were supported by mentoring and career coaching during training and while transitioning to employment.
Generation Australia’s Sydney South West Disability Support Worker (DSW)
Generation Australia Ltd
Employment Region: Sydney South West
The activity delivered a 6-week blended face-to-face and online training program to prepare participants for entry-level roles in the disability care sector. Generation Australia engaged with local disability care employers to co-design the training content and participants were supported by mentoring and career coaching during training and while transitioning to employment.
Good Gardens
Community Resources Limited
Employment Region: Illawarra South Coast
This activity delivered a new gardening and landscaping social enterprise activity as part of Green Connect. The activity supported disengaged youth by helping them to overcome multiple and complex barriers to employment. The activity provided a range of pre-employment activities, including training, work experience and wrap-around services to build participants confidence and ability to transition to employment.
Greater Western Sydney Careers Market
Brett Carter Events
Employment Region: Sydney Greater West
The Careers Market provided unemployed participants the platform to explore various careers, employment and/or further education opportunities available from exhibitors which had employment opportunities within the region. Employers included key in-demand industries - construction, health, aged & disability care, hospitality, retail and manufacturing.
HTN - Chefs IntoWork
Hospitality Training Network
Employment Region: Sydney East Metro
The activity provided participants with practical training and work experience, as well as information sessions delivered by renowned chefs. The sessions included an interactive Master Class (showcase of cooking) in which the Chefs engaged with participants to provide hands on experience and skills needed to be a Chef.
Improved Employment Pathways Through Industry Engagement
Regional Development Australia - Far South Coast
Employment Region: Illawarra South Coast
The activity trialled a model for industry engagement to improve pathways to employment and provide an opportunity for participants to engage with employers and link them to jobs.
Innovative Digital Pathways for Diverse Candidates - Closing the Digital Gap
Goanna Solutions Education
Employment Region: Sydney East Metro
The activity delivered 2 sets of 2 different bootcamps, 12 weeks in duration. IT Fundamentals and Amazon Web Services Cloud bootcamps focused on displaced workers to re-skill them for the technology industry. Digital Operations bootcamps provided Indigenous participants and youth the digital skills required for the workplace with optional training in Microsoft credentials.
Innovative Digital Pathways for Diverse Candidates - Closing the Digital Gap
Goanna Solutions Education
Employment Region: Sydney North and West
This activity provided IT Fundamentals and Amazon Web Services Cloud bootcamps for displaced workers and Digital Operations bootcamps for Indigenous participants and youth, enhancing digital workplace skills.
Job Mates
Asuria People Services
Employment Region: Sydney East Metro
Job Mates was a through-care model building on the Tribal Warrior Never Going Back program, which transitioned inmates back into the community to prevent recidivism. The program supported, in a culturally appropriate manner, the physical, mental, and emotional health of male Indigenous inmates.
Jobs in the Valley and Vines: Transforming Lives
Smart Training and Consulting Group Pty Ltd
Employment Region: Hunter
This activity included a hospitality mentoring and employment project run by Smart Training and Consulting Group in the Hunter region. The project delivered a six-week non-accredited training program for participants, including a 30-hour work placement to secure hospitality jobs in the Hunter Valley.