Consultations open for the Building Women’s Careers Program

This content was published on Thursday 18 July 2024. There may be more recent updates available.

The department is seeking feedback to help inform the design of grant guidelines to implement the Building Women's Careers Program.

We want to hear from you

The department has released a consultation paper with questions to help guide the conversation and your feedback. Visit the Building Women’s Careers Program page to download the paper and find out more.

To ensure the program is appropriately targeted, outcomes are achievable, and benefits are measurable, the department is particularly interested in hearing from:

  • those in the construction, manufacturing, clean energy and digital and technology sectors
  • training organisations
  • community and/or women’s advisory organisations.

Have your say and provide feedback by 10am AEST, 5 August 2024 to help inform the design of the program’s grant guidelines.

What is the Building Women’s Careers Program?

Announced in the 2024-25 Budget as part of a Future Made in Australia, the Building Women’s Careers program is providing $50 million for partnership projects that drive systemic structural and cultural change in training and work environments. The program will fund both large-scale projects, and smaller, place-based partnerships, to improve women’s access to flexible, safe and inclusive training and work opportunities.

For more information, visit the Building Women's Careers Program page.