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Allyship in Action: Transforming Culture to Attract and Retain Women
Location: WA, NSW & VIC
Lead: National Association of Women in Construction
The Allyship in Action program applies best-practice cultural change approaches to address systemic barriers to the participation, retention and advancement of women in construction.
This multi-pronged allyship program will engage with men to tackle poor attitudes and behaviours, empower men to sponsor women into leadership and utilise the power of cultural ambassadors to embed positive change on the ground.
Engaging men as partners in change at all career stages and workplace sizes, types and market segments, the program draws from research findings that men in allyship programs are 3 times more likely to address gender bias, driving inclusive culture and women's advancement.
Partners: ADCO Constructions Pty Ltd, The Australian Worker’s Union, CPB Contractors Pty Limited, Holmesglen Institute, & The University of Sydney.
Big Sister: Advanced Mentoring SA/WA
Industry: Clean Energy, Construction
Location: SA & WA
Lead: Electrical Trades Union
Big Sister drives transformational change in the construction and clean energy sectors by implementing an access and retention program for women apprentices led by women for women.
Focused on breaking down barriers and building a gender-inclusive workforce, Big Sister aims to increase the commencement rate of women apprentices by 50% by 2028 and reduce non-completion rates. It will host educational events and support women into a pre-apprenticeship program with 80% starting an apprenticeship with an industry-based woman mentor and an employer committed to creating positive change through Big Sister.
Partners: ECA Training Pty Limited, Electrocomms and Energy Utilities Industry Skills Council Ltd, Nilsen (WA) Pty Ltd, NSG (BOFFA) Pty Ltd, Peer TC Pty Ltd & The University of Sydney.
Breaking Barriers: Women in Trades and Tech
Industry: Advanced Manufacturing, Clean Energy, Construction and Digital and Technology
Location: National
Lead: Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union
This project has 2 key initiatives: Breaking Barriers in Industry and Breaking Barriers in Training.
The industry initiative partners with companies, with the support of community organisations, to improve flexibility, workplace culture and gender equity in workplaces, reaching over 30,000 workers through the development, piloting and delivery of tailored trainings and action plans.
The Training initiative collaborates with TAFEs, Group Training Organisations (GTOs) and industry to deliver flexible, co-designed pathways for women into apprenticeships and technical roles.
Partners: The Australian Industry Group, Alstrom Transport Australia, ARA Manufacture Pty Ltd, Asian Women at Work Inc, Bega Dairy and Drinks Services Pty Ltd, Bendigo Kangan Institute, CDC Victoria, Central Highlands Group Training Incorporated, First Person Consulting Pty Limited, Migrant Workers Centre Ltd, South Metropolitan TAFE, TAFE Queensland, Technical and Further Education Commission, Thales Australia Limited, Tradeswomen Australia Foundation Ltd, UGL Engineering Pty Ltd, Victorian Trades Hall Council, Viva Energy Australia Pty Ltd & Women’s Health in the North Inc.
Building Futures: Breaking the Barriers for Women in the Plumbing Industry
Industry: Construction, Clean Energy
Location: VIC, QLD & NSW
Lead: Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre (PICAC)
This project will create, promote and deliver a national training program within the Australian Plumbing Industry addressing the cultural and attitudinal changes needed to make the industry attractive, welcoming, and culturally safe for women.
This first focus of this project is for employers, by developing and implementing a national framework which supports a structured approach to promote the culturally safe environment, reduce gender discrimination and promote career pathways. The second is aimed at individuals, with an education program addressing the role an individual plays in promoting the change in current industry culture.
Partners: AMCA Australia Old Limited, AXIS Plumbing NSW Group Pty Ltd, CEPU - Plumbing Division, Cooke & Dowsett Pty Ltd, Leemak Fire protection Pty Ltd, National Fire, Industry Association of Australia Ltd & The Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association of Australia.
Driving Gender Equity: Strengthening GTOs to Build Women's Careers
Industry: Advanced Manufacturing, Clean Energy and Construction
Location: National
Lead: Group Training Australia Ltd
This project empowers Group Training Organisations (GTOs) to drive change in male-dominated trades like civil construction, clean energy, and advanced manufacturing by addressing barriers for women.
A Gender Equality Action Plan, informed by policy analysis, will guide gender-focused training for GTO leaders and field officers. It will also establish a national women's peer network, connecting female apprentices to share experiences, access mentorship, and address challenges in a safe, supportive space.
These professionally facilitated networks will foster discussion, guidance, and collaboration to support women’s success in priority industries.
Partners: Australian Workers Union, Bendigo Kangan Institute, ECA Training Pty Limited, HVTC Pty Ltd, MEGT (Australia) Ltd & Women in Adult and Vocational Education.
Give Her a Chance
Location: National
Lead: Master Builders Australia Limited
To drive structural and cultural change to increase women’s skilled participation in construction, you must tackle the causes of bias head-on.
Give Her A Chance is a multi-faceted program that seeks to reach, educate and support the key demographics that influence a woman’s success in building and construction: employers and peer-to-peer (male-to-male and male-to-female).
This will be delivered through campaigns, mentorship programs, networking, best practice resources, and partnerships. The project will leverage the reach of all project partners and established networks to reach deeply across all areas of the industry and provide crucial resources and support for employers and the workforce.
Partners: Brickworks Building Products Pty Ltd, Australian Worker’s Union, Civil Contractors Federation, Bunnings Group Ltd.
Women In Construction
Location: NSW, VIC, TAS & SA
Lead: Incolink
This project is a national partnership of construction employers, workers, Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), Group Training Organisations (GTOs), Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and industry bodies, led by Incolink, supporting women to train, obtain and retain skilled roles by eliminating structural and cultural barriers to gender equity.
The program comprises training and employment for women in skilled construction roles, wraparound services to support success, and worksite interventions to address cultural barriers.
It builds on the success of the Victorian Government’s Building Equality program. It is designed to scale and continue beyond the funded period and is overseen by a governance body that brings together key industry participants committed to harnessing the program’s momentum across the construction sector.
Partners: Aboriginal Building and Civil Construction Academy, CFMEU National Office, CEPU - Plumbing Division Victorian Divisional Branch, CFMEU - Construction and General Division Victoria- Tasmania Divisional Branch, Cooke & Dowsett Pty Ltd, Gold Services SA Pty Ltd, Hickory Construction Group Pty Ltd, J. Hutchinson Pty Ltd, Jesuit Social Services Limited, Multiplex Constructions Pty Ltd, Our Watch Limited, Plumbing Industry Climate Action centre (PICAC) Ltd, RAW GTO Pty Ltd, The Insight Centre Pty Ltd & The Master Builders Association of Victoria.