NESM Update - CEO Forum presentation - 19 May 2021
Powerpoint Presentation and Speaking Notes for the presentation providing an update on the New Employment Services Model at the CEO Forum held on 19 May 2021.
Youth Session - CEO Forum presentation - 19 May 2021
Powerpoint Presentation and Speaking Notes for the presentation providing an update on Youth employment services at the CEO Forum held on 19 May 2021.
Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider - Payments
This factsheet provides information about the Workforce Australia Services payments model.
Communique for the New Employment Services Advisory Group 16 December 2020
Summary of meeting held 16 December 2020
Communique for the New Employment Services Advisory Group 4 February 2021
Summary of meeeting held 4 February 2021
Terms of Reference Employment Services Advisory Group 24 Feb 21
Terms of Reference for the Employment Services Advisory Group
National Customer Service Line (NCSL) Service Guarantee
The National Customer Service Line (NCSL) Service Guarantee reflects the quality of service our clients can expect of the NCSL. It sets out the minimum level of service clients contacting the NCSL can expect to receive.
Digital Safeguards Factsheet
There are multiple safeguards in place in the New Employment Services Trial (NEST) and the Online Employment Service (OES) to ensure job seekers in Digital Services have access to the support they need to get the most out of the digital platform.
New Employment Services Trial Deed 2019-2022 - incorporating GDV No. 2
New Employment Services Trial Deed 2019-2022 incorporating the changes made under General Deed Variation Number 2
Webinar on the Enhanced Services Payments Model
This page provides the following resources:
Transcript of video recording of the Webinar on the Enhanced Services Payments Model and the PowerPoint presentation for the webinar on the Enhanced Services Payments Model. Please note that this is not accessible.
Proposed Licensing System for the New Employment Services Model: Discussion Paper
This Discussion Paper is a historical record that outlines details of the (then) proposed licensing system, including how employment services providers would enter and exit the market under the new employment services model.
Managing the Employment Preparation Activity Trial (For NEST Providers)
Under the New Employment Services Trial (NEST), Digital Participants may be required to undertake a compulsory activity on commencement of their fourth month in Digital Services. Digital Participants will have a choice of activities to select from, depending on eligibility and availability, with Employment Preparation Activities (EPA) being one of the activities available.
The EPA Trial will help to improve employment prospects of EPA Participants through core elements such as (but not limited to) supported job search skills; writing a resume; cold canvassing; interview and presentation skills; following up job leads; employability skills; registering for job search websites and learning from unsuccessful job applications.
New Employment Services Trial Update and Proposed Licensing System webinar held 27 July 2020 at AEST 11:00 am
This page provides the following resources: