New Employment Services Trial Update and Proposed Licensing System webinar held 27 July 2020 at AEST 3:30 pm
This page provides the following resources:
Accessible version of the presentation for the New Employment Services Update and Proposed Licensing system webinar
Transcript of New Employment Services Update and Proposed Licensing system webinar
Powerpoint presentation of New Employment Services Update and Proposed Licensing system webinar
New Employment Services update and Proposed Licensing System webinars frequently asked questions
New Employment Services update and Proposed Licensing System webinars frequently asked questions
New Employment Services update and Proposed Licensing System webinar 3 July 2020
This page provides the following resources:
Accessible version of the presentation for the New Employment Services Update and Proposed Licensing system webinar. Complete transcript of what was said throughout the presentation for the New Employment Services Update and Proposed Licensing system webinar. Power point presentation for the New Employment Services Update and Proposed Licensing system webinar. Please note that this is not accessible.Document
New Employment Services Model Reference Group – Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference - New Employment Services Model Reference Group
New job seeker assessment framework
New job seeker assessment framework factsheet
New Employment Services Trial Service Guarantee
The New Employment Services Trial Service Guarantee reflects the Australian Government’s expectations for employment services providers that deliver services to job seekers. It sets out the minimum level of service each job seeker can expect, as well as the requirements they need to meet while looking for employment.
Volunteer Online Employment Services Trial - Information for Participants (English)
English fact sheet for those who are or will be participating in the Volunteer Online Employment Services Trial.
Volunteer online employment services trial - Information for Providers
From 9 December 2019, some job seekers or ParentsNext participants will participate in the Volunteer Online Employment Services Trial. The Trial aims to test whether volunteers can self-manage effectively with online services and further tests the digital approach to service delivery.
New Employment Services Trial (NEST) – Defined Periods, Suspensions and Exits
There are a range of defined Periods in NEST which determine when Participants must participate in activities, which services a Participant should receive and whether NEST Providers are eligible for payments. Most of these periods are affected by periods of Suspension and Exits.
Suspensions are periods when Participants are not required to participate in services and Providers are not required to deliver services to them during that period although they may agree to do so in some circumstances.
Participants may be Exited if they are meeting their obligations or are no longer eligible for Trial Services. This will usually happen automatically but there are some instances when Providers can manually Exit Participants.
New Employment Services Trial (NEST) - Disability Support Pension Recipients (Compulsory Requirements)
This Guideline advises Providers of their responsibilities to Disability Support Pension (DSP) recipients under 35 years of age who have an assessed work capacity of at least eight hours per week and do not have a child under six years). These Participants are required to be engaged and participating in at least one compulsory activity to improve their employment prospects and increase their participation in paid work.
These compulsory activities may include participation in NEST Trial Provider services and will depend on an individual’s circumstance.
The Provider should focus on increasing the DSP recipient’s work capacity and engagement with NEST Trial Provider Services to assist them to prepare for, find, and maintain employment with the overall aim of decreasing their reliance on Income Support Payments.
New Employment Services Trial (NEST) - Eligibility, Referral and Commencement
This Guideline outlines who is Eligible for Enhanced Services in the New Employment Services Trial (NEST).
Trial Providers must provide Participants with appropriate Services, taking into account their individual circumstances, to assist them to find employment and move off Income Support Payments.
New Employment Services Trial (NEST) - Transfers
Participants may transfer between NEST Providers, or between NEST Providers and jobactive Providers for a range of reasons. Transfers can be automatic or involve a manual process, and can be initiated by the Participant or a Provider. Participants in Digital Services may opt-out and be moved to Enhanced Services by the Contact Centre.
Transfer arrangements support continuity of servicing when Participants change location, and also support Participant choice regarding their Provider.
New Employment Services Trial (NEST) - Volunteers
Some people who are not eligible for the full range of Trial Services can Volunteer to receive assistance. Trial Providers assist Volunteers to access their local labour market and understand employer needs, develop a résumé, access Self-help Facilities to search for Employment and apply for and be referred to jobs.
In addition to delivering Trial Provider services, Trial Providers will need to continue delivering jobactive Stream A services to assist Volunteers until all Volunteers have completed their period of assistance. Volunteers who register prior to 9 December 2019 can receive assistance in Stream A of jobactive for up to six months. Volunteers are eligible to access this assistance once, unless they have a significant change of circumstances which results in them becoming a Fully Eligible Participant.
From 9 December 2019, newly registered Volunteers are generally only eligible for the Volunteer Online Employment Services Trial (VOEST) for a period of 12 months.
New Employment Services Trial (NEST) Enhanced Services Assessments Guideline – Job Seeker Classification Instrument (JSCI) and Employment Services Assessment (ESAt)
All NEST Participants should have an accurate Assessment which reflects their current circumstances so that they receive the level of services most appropriate to their needs to help them move from welfare to work.
The Job Seeker Classification Instrument (JSCI) is a questionnaire which seeks to identify a Participant’s risk of becoming or remaining long term unemployed. It does this by providing an objective measure of a Participant’s relative labour market disadvantage based on the Participant’s individual circumstances.
The JSCI is also used to identify if a Participant has multiple or complex barriers to employment that may require further assessment via an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt).
JSCI responses, and where appropriate the ESAt, provide valuable information to help Providers to develop activities and assistance that can address a Participant’s circumstances and help them find work.
New Employment Services Trial (NEST) - ASC Shipbuilding Structural Adjustment Programme Guide
This Guideline details the core elements and requirements for Employment Services Providers (Providers) in managing participants who are eligible for the ASC Shipbuilding Structural Adjustment Programme (ASC Shipbuilding SAP). Note that these participants are eligible for immediate access to Enhanced Services. Any relevant Guidelines or materials that apply to other Enhanced Services participants apply to participants receiving support under ASC Shipbuilding SAP unless otherwise specified.
New Employment Services Trial (NEST) - Managing Wage Subsidy Guideline
New Employment Services Trial (NEST) - Stronger Transitions
The Stronger Transitions Package (Stronger Transitions) provides support to individuals, in five identified regions that have been especially impacted by structural change, to transition to new jobs and prepare for the jobs of the future. Intensive assistance includes pre retrenchment support, provided outside New Employment Services Trial (NEST), and post retrenchment support delivered by NEST Providers (NEST Providers).
This Guideline details the core elements and requirements for NEST Providers in managing and servicing retrenched workers who are eligible for post retrenchment support under Stronger Transitions.
Stronger Transitions Eligible Participants (Participants) are eligible for immediate access to NEST Enhanced Services upon commencement. Any relevant Guidelines or materials that apply to NEST Enhanced Services job seekers more generally also apply to Participants, unless otherwise specified in the relevant Guidelines.