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The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022
The Australian Government has introduced legislation into Parliament to change Australia’s workplace laws.
Jobs and Skills Australia legislation has now passed both houses
The Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) legislation has now passed both houses and will soon receive Royal Assent.
Skills Organisation Pilots Evaluation Project 2 – Early achievements and lessons learnt
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Final report of Project 2 of Skills Organisation Pilots evaluation
Quick Reference Guide: How to confirm your identity in ADMS
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A guide for apprentices on how to confirm your identity for an Apprenticehips Data Management System account.
Consultation Paper - November 2022
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VET Student Loans Improvement provider consultation – November 2022. Submissions to the VSL Improvement Consultation Paper have closed.
BAC Program Data for McDonald’s and Grill’d
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ABN and entity names, number of BAC funded apprentices/trainees, completion rates, in-training and cancellations or withdrawals and BAC amounts paid (McDonald’s only).
TtW Service Delivery Plan - VIC - North Eastern Melbourne - AGA (Employer)
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Service Delivery plan (SDP) for Transition to Work (TtW)
Secretary's opening remarks for Budget Estimates
Opening Statement – Senate Estimates
Natalie James, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Tuesday 8 November
Extraordinary achievements celebrated at the Australian Training Awards
Some of the nation’s best apprentices, students, training providers, teachers and businesses were recognised for their hard work and dedication at the annual Australian Training Awards event on 18 November 2022.
Australian Apprenticeship Services and Supports Discussion Paper
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The Apprenticeship Services and Supports Discussion Paper explores the existing services and supports and seeks views on opportunities address three key questions facing the Apprenticeships System.
Consultation underway on apprenticeship supports
Today the Australian Government released the Australian Apprenticeship Services and Supports Discussion Paper.
Foundation Skills Advisory Group Members List
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Members of the Foundation Skills Advisory Group are included in the attachment.
School Pre-endorsement of an Australian School-based Apprenticeship Form
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This form is to be completed by the School Principal or VET Leader once a student has been offered an Australian School based apprenticeship or a traineeship but before a student signs a Training Contract.
30 individuals gain employment after completing a Local Recovery Fund activity on the Gold Coast
Everything Suarve’s (Esuarve) Big Brother program is funded by Workforce Australia Local Jobs and provides intensive pre−employment support to improve the work readiness and critical skills of young individuals for local jobs in construction.