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Visualising the Employee Value Proposition
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This map can help guide organisations and leaders to conceptualise their Employee Value Proposition and think about what might be most important to target employee segments.
Rethinking the employee experience
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This resource outlines the basic principles that drive employee engagement.
DEEWR Legal services Expenditure 2012-13
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Knowing what workers want
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This resource profiles three talent segments: women, frontline workers, and knowledge workers. It outlines the desires and interests of each segment.
Enhancing your Employee Value Proposition
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This resource provides guidance on how to create or to reshape your Employee Value Proposition.
Getting Inspired
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This resource provides a checklist to refine your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and inspiration on how other businesses are approaching the EVP opportunity.
Employee Value Proposition
Strengthen your organisation’s employee value proposition
Tools for Mentors
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This resource assists mentors in the mentoring journey by setting out the activities for the stages of a mentoring relationship.
Tools for Mentees
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This resource assists mentees in the mentoring journey by setting out the activities for the stages of a mentoring relationship.
Resources for mentors and mentees
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This resource provides key information on the principles of mentoring and links to useful literature, websites and podcasts.
Leading to Unlock Potential
Having mentors, role models and sponsors can be beneficial in helping start a new role or taking on a new career challenge.
Workforce Australia Brand Style Guide for Providers - September 2022
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The Workforce Australia brand has been developed as a Masterbrand to frame employment services delivered by the Australian Government.
Employability Assessments – Occupation List
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This document lists all the eligible occupations for Pilot 3 - Employability Assessments for Migrants.
Traineeships and apprenticeships funded by the Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements Program (BAC) between October 2020 and June 2022, including details of qualifications funded under the BAC program
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Number of BAC funded apprentices/trainees, completion rates, in-training and cancellations or withdrawals, details of qualifications funded and BAC amounts paid.
Trends in Federal Enterprise Bargaining – June quarter 2022
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Trends in Federal Enterprise Bargaining is a quarterly report containing data about the number of enterprise agreements made in the federal workplace relations system, as well as data about the number of employees covered and the level of wage inc