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New Employment Services update and Proposed Licensing System webinars frequently asked questions
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New Employment Services update and Proposed Licensing System webinars frequently asked questions
Entry into Care Roles Skill Set FAQs
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This document contains FAQs related to the Entry into Care Roles skill set.
ATO Data Matching Protocol
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Data matching for the Supporting Apprentices and Trainees (SAT), Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements (BAC) and the Australian Apprentice Wage Subsidy trial (AAWS) measures between the Australian Taxation Office and the Department of Education, S
Employment Services Outcomes Report October 2018 to September 2019 - jobactive
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Quarterly report containing information about post Employment Service Outcomes achieved for jobactive
Transition to Work Deed 2016-2022 - incorporating GDV No. 10
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Transition to Work Deed 2016-2022 incorporating the changes made under General Deed Variation Number 10
New Employment Services Trial Deed 2019-2022 - incorporating GDV No. 1
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New Employment Services Trial Deed 2019-2022 incorporating the changes made under General Deed Variation Number 1
jobactive Deed 2015-2022 - incorporating GDV No. 11
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jobactive Deed 2015-2022 incorporating the changes made under General Deed Variation Number 11
Employability Skills Training Panel Deed 2017-2022 - incorporating GDV No. 6
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Employability Skills Training Panel Deed 2017-2022 incorporating the changes made under General Deed Variation Number 6
Career Transition Assistance Trial Panel Deed 2018-2022 - incorporating GDV No. 3
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Career Transition Assistance Trial Panel Deed 2018-2022 incorporating the changes made under General Deed Variation Number 3
Career Transition Assistance Panel Deed 2019-2022 - incorporating GDV No.2
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Career Transition Assistance Panel Deed 2019-2022 incorporating the changes made under General Deed Variation Number 2
VSL Six Monthly Report January to June 2020
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Section 103A of the VET Student Loans Act 2016 requires the Secretary to publish certain VET Student Loans (VSL) program statistical information within 42 days after the end of the six month period beginning on 1 Janua
Addendum – VSL Six Monthly Report January to June 2020 – Tables 1 to Table 6
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Addendum for the VSL Six Monthly Report January to June 2020 – Tables 1 to Table 6.
jobactive vacancies and outcomes guideline
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The key objective of jobactive is to promote stronger workforce participation, help more Participants move from welfare to work and better meet the needs of employers.
WHS Responsibilities
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This document identifies the WHS responsibilities of the Participant or Job Seeker, the Host Organisation, and the Provider.
Group Personal Accident Insurance for Participants Policy
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Covers the Participant while undertaking employment services programs administered by the Department, including the necessary direct travel to, from or during such work.
Public and Products Liability Insurance for Participants Policy
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Covers the legal liability of the Participant to pay Third Party compensation for Personal Injury and/or Property Damage happening in connection while the Participant is undertaking the employment assistance programs administered by the Department
Public and Products Liability Insurance for Hosts of Work for the Dole Community Support Projects Policy
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Covers the legal liability of the Work for the Dole Community Support Project (CSP) Host to pay compensation to third parties in respect of Personal Industry, Property Damage or Advertising Injury happening in connection with the Ho