Rapidly developing digital technologies are changing the nature of essential skills required in the workforce. A person’s capacity to use digital technology has become essential to participation in work and education. It is therefore critical for employers and educators to be able to identify and improve digital capability across different industries and occupations.
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The Australian Government recognises the following international frameworks as preferred guides for digital skills and training activities:
Other Frameworks
The draft Digital Literacy Skills Framework (DLSF) (developed to support the Foundation Skills for your Future Program) is another framework relevant to foundational digital literacy skills.
The Australian Digital Capability Framework (ADCF) describes the broad digital capabilities required by the workforce. The ADCF is a translation of DigComp 2.1 for the Australian context and follows the same structure. Further detail on the development of the ADCF is provided in the Digital Capability for Workforce Skills Final - Report 2022. While the ADCF will continue to be a relevant digital capability framework, it has not been updated since its development.
Queries regarding the use of the ADCF can be referred to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations at JSC-FinanceTechBusiness@dewr.gov.au.