For Participants

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How the SEE Program can help you

The Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program offers free training to help improve your reading, writing, maths and basic computer skills. Some quick facts about SEE:

  • SEE is free!
  • training is based on your future goals
  • you can begin at your own level and learn at your own pace
  • you can study full-time or part-time, up to 25 hours a week
  • you can learn in a classroom, at home or in your workplace
  • you can still care for your family or continue to look for work if you are looking for a job
  • you may be able to do work experience
  • SEE can help you with everyday tasks like filling in forms and reading to your child.

Stronger foundation skills in reading, writing, maths and computer skills can help increase your confidence as well as open the door to new opportunities.

Download the brochure to learn more

You might also want to look at these SEE Success Stories to find out about how the SEE Program has helped real people improve their skills.

SEE website image - person holding tablet in medical scrub

Am I eligible?

To be eligible for SEE, you need to be either:

  • an Australian citizen, or
  • a permanent visa holder, or
  • on a provisional or temporary visa with working rights and eligible for the Adult Migrant English Program, or
  • a Pacific Australian Labour Mobility visa holder


  • aged 15 years and over and left school, and
  • need help with your reading, writing, maths, English language or digital skills.

Watch this animation to see how the SEE Program can help you achieve your goals with free reading, writing and maths training.

Carla was a stay-at-home parent wanting to enter employment who realised that she needed to improve her reading and writing to get further qualifications in childcare. Due to her location and personal circumstances, the flexibility offered through SEE enabled her to go to class or study from home. Watch this animation to learn more.

How can I access the SEE Program?

To find out how to access the SEE Program, you can: