SEE Success Stories

The following case studies highlights the way the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program helps participants learn the skills they need by improving the reading, writing, maths and digital skills.

Noeleen—a 60 year old woman—stands facing the camera, a white button shirt and dark blue jacket


The SEE Program helped Noeleen find her feet and secure employment.

More information about Noeleen

Michael—a mature-aged Torres Strait Islander man—stands facing the camera in front of an illustrated green wall, wearing a baseball cap with a grey t-shirt


Michael’s journey of growth and creativity through the SEE Program.

More information about Michael

Geneva—a young First Nations woman—stands facing the camera and giving double-thumbs up, wearing a white and orange polo shirt


Geneva’s journey to growth and employment with SEE.

More information about Geneva

Mid-close up of Kira-lee facing the camera, grinning proudly while holding up a certificate document.


Kira-lee’s journey to a fulfilling career through SEE.

More information about Kira-lee