A program designed to increase the recovery of amounts advanced under the Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG).
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The Addressing corporate misuse of the Fair Entitlements Guarantee discussion paper is now available.
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The FEG Recovery Program is administered by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (the department) with the purpose of funding actions that will recover amounts advanced under FEG. As of 1 July 2024, the FEG Recovery Program is being recalibrated to also actively pursue unpaid superannuation guarantee charge (SGC) amounts owed by employers who have entered liquidation or bankruptcy where certain criteria are met (including where a FEG advance had been made to former employees).
The FEG scheme does not cover unpaid superannuation guarantee amounts. Compliance and enforcement of employer superannuation obligations remain the responsibility of the Australian Taxation Office.
The FEG Recovery Program’s key areas are FEG Recovery Funding and FEG Active Creditor.
Under the FEG Recovery Program, liquidators of companies and bankruptcy trustees (where FEG advances have been made) can apply for funding to pursue recovery proceedings, such as litigation, to increase the returns available to creditors in the external administration.
Apply for FEG Recovery Funding
Apply for FEG Recovery Funding by completing an application form for funding assistance together with a budget estimate tool and emailing it to FEGRecoveryapplications@dewr.gov.au.
FEG Active Creditor
The FEG Active Creditor area is part of the FEG Recovery Program. They ensure our department is an informed and engaged creditor.
The FEG Active Creditor area:
- attends creditors' meetings
- takes part and participates in Committees of Inspection
- reviews anticipated distributions
- engages with insolvency practitioners on issues of law that concern the recovery of FEG advances and outstanding superannuation.
Give feedback
To share feedback or, complaints, email complaints@dewr.gov.au.
We will manage your correspondence in accordance with the following key principles.
We will:
- address feedback and complaints appropriately and consistently
- let you know how the matter was dealt with and the outcome
- aim to finalise our response to you within 20 business days or, if there are delays due to the nature of the correspondence, to keep you informed about its progress
- refer you to another government department or agency if the matter is outside the scope of FEG Recovery Program
- respond to you in plain language
- regularly review feedback or complaints to identify areas where we can improve.
We will not respond to complaints made in rude or offensive language, or excessive and persistent correspondence.
Get more information
To enquire about the FEG Recovery Program or to speak with the FEG Active Creditor area, call the FEG Recovery Hotline on 02 6121 7272 (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm).