Digital (Including ICT) Stream

We participate in the Australian Government Graduate Program (AGGP) ICT Digital Stream.

Our program

ICT Digital Graduates undertake a structured program administered by the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC).

This program provides the opportunity to excel in a digital or technical career after graduating from university. As a recent graduate, you will have an opportunity to further develop your skills while working in an inclusive and welcoming environment.

Who are we looking for?

Do you want to:

  • improve the lives of millions trying to learn and earn?
  • have a direct impact on ambitious multi-million-dollar government programs?
  • play a valued part in a once-in-a-generation change in the way the Australian Public Service (APS) does business with technology?
  • enjoy solving the most challenging problems in stimulating and flexible environments?
  • work in multi-disciplinary teams with skilled APS staff and industry experts?
  • build resilient modern services with cloud technologies that can better respond to the changing needs of the Australian community?

Our Information and Communication Technology (ICT) teams deliver digital solutions to help achieve the Government’s vision of providing a personalised experience that is stable, secure, reliable, and ultimately anticipates the needs of every user most impacted by our work.

Our department is continually exploring and investing in innovative cloud technologies and is recognised as being at the forefront of technology deployment in the APS. We are constantly improving our desktop applications and facilities to provide a better experience for our ICT staff.

We also recognise this goes beyond using cutting-edge tools to include support for methods and mindsets as we face an increasingly unpredictable future. To meet this challenge, our current focus is on embedding and resourcing DevOps and agile methodologies, and human-centred design into our ways of working.

The department provides a wide range of IT and Digital services to its staff and external customers including other government agencies, job seekers, employers, students, and service providers.

We are looking for people who are passionate about IT services and creating great experiences for the people who use them. We are looking for people who are innovative and creative and have an interest in building technology, IT security, IT infrastructure, design thinking, user centred design, data and analytics, program and project management and digital channel engagement. We want people who like to solve problems and who want to be part of a team that develops solutions.

What our digital graduates do

Graduates will be working in a fast-paced environment where opportunities are exciting and diverse. Learn more about this rewarding work in our Frequently Asked Questions document.

While our work is mostly based in Canberra, we also have offices in Melbourne and Sydney, and our teams are practiced at working flexibly to get the job done.

You will have an opportunity to work in the following divisions within the department.

Digital Solutions Division

The Digital Solutions Division (DSD) is responsible for building and maintaining ICT systems and digital solutions to assist DEWR’s programs and policies, whilst also fulfilling the departments strategic objectives. We lead large, complex digital projects that deliver new business systems, as well as supporting a large portfolio of mission critical digital services. We aim to deliver digital applications and services in a modern, connected, and integrated way that drives business value and builds trust with citizens. The division currently has responsibility for a large program of digital delivery work across all DEWR business lines and supports some projects for external agencies. We also provide the foundations for data driven insights and policy outcomes through the Chief Data Officer, and take the lead on innovation, emerging technology, and artificial intelligence within the Department.

Technology and Services Division

Technology and Services Division (TSD) is the department's ICT platforms and services division. TSD provides ICT hosting platforms both on premises and in the cloud that support the department’s applications and websites. The division manages a large server environment which along with networking, gateway, and cyber security services, provides reliable platforms for our users. The division also delivers end-user computing solutions including virtual and mobile platforms, corporate applications, and a service desk.

Opportunities across these Divisions include:

Technical opportunities

  • Development/coding (mainly Microsoft product suite)
  • Database development and administration (SQL)
  • Cloud Engineering (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS)
  • Data warehousing and analytics
  • Network and gateway
  • ICT security, forensics, and hosting solutions
  • Unified communications
  • Server build and management
  • Mobile workspaces
  • System Administration and Operations
  • Platform Services

Business Design opportunities

  • Service design
  • User experience design
  • User interface design


To be eligible for the Digital Stream you must submit a completed application through the AGGP process prior to the closing date and time. Eligibility may also include the following:

  • evidence of Australian citizenship
  • have completed (or will complete) at least an Australian Qualifications Framework Level 7 qualification (a bachelor’s degree), equivalent, or higher equivalent by 31 December 2024
  • have completed your most recent degree no more than 5 years ago on the date you lodge your application
  • be able to obtain and maintain a valid Australian Government security clearance once accepted onto the program when required. Further information on security clearances is available from Australian Government Security Vetting Agency (AGSVA)
  • be willing to undergo any police, character, health, or other checks required.

Successful applicants will be placed in a merit pool that will be considered by the APS and Commonwealth entities. Please note that agencies and departments and will offer different employment conditions and graduate program features.

How to apply

Applications for the AGGP streams are now open!

We are a participating agency in the Australian Government Graduate Program (AGGP) Legal stream. Apply once through the APSJobs Graduate Portal. Make sure you nominate the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations as your preferred agency for your chance to join us!

If you have any questions, please email