
The following is a list of all the resources that are associated with Employing and supporting women in your organisation.

Communication and internal positioning


This resource sets out the communications fundamentals and provides a sample campaign advertisement and message house for your supported returner program.

Communication and internal positioning.pdf

Parental practices Self-Assessment Tool


The self-assessment tool is a simple way of determining where your business is positioned in relation to supportive parental practices.

Parental practices Self-Assessment tool.pdf

Returner readiness assessment


This resource will help you map your business' current state against a range of factors including those to attract, recruit and retain women.

Maturity assessment.pdf

Strategic drivers


This resource will help you set clear objectives, refine your program vision and put together a business case for implementing a supported returner program.

Strategic drivers.pdf

The Business Case for Gender Equality


Workplace gender equality is achieved when people are able to access and enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities regardless of gender.

The Business Case for Gender Equality.pdf

The returner journey


This resource helps you to step inside the shoes of the returner and see the experience from their perspective.

The returner journey.pdf

Why Managers Design Jobs to Be More Boring Than They Need to Be


Researchers believe that the lack of engagement, burnout, and dissatisfaction many employees are experiencing worldwide is a result of poorly designed work.

Why managers design jobs.pdf