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Q1: Are there other design considerations that could further strengthen Jobs and Skills Australia's ability to provide advice to government?
Reduce HECS debt to reduce financial burden on employees
Q2: What principles could be used to guide Jobs and Skills Australia's priorities, and the development of its workplan?
A SWOT analysis and get rid of job agencies
Q3: How could Jobs and Skills Australia seek broader input into the development and refinement of its workplan?
Introducing a incentive to have HECS debt eliminated
Q4: How could Jobs and Skills Australia engage tripartite partners, experts, and other interested parties in its major studies?
- Are the different needs of industry and learners effectively considered in designing qualifications in the current system? What works well and why?
- Are there issues or challenges with the way qualifications are currently designed? What are they and what could be done to address these?
Establish a Job skills committee at each state and territory level and have community leaders on the committee.
Q5: What new information should Jobs and Skills Australia be collecting through its engagement to build a stronger evidence base?
Establish an online survey each quarter of the year and have paid work experience for high school students over Summer to create skills before their leave high school. In addition allow students to have driving lessons instead of playing sports as driving lessons are important for job creation in many industries.
Q6: How can Jobs and Skills Australia expand its engagement with a broader range of skills and industry stakeholders in its work?
You need people from different cultural backgrounds as they understand what their community needs in each state and territory with a round table or conference.
Q7: What types of outreach could Jobs and Skills Australia use to increase visibility and use of its products and advice?
The Australian government need to fast track Summer schools for young people to gain the skills they need. Also RSG/RSA and other certificates should be free across Australia or be tax deductible.
Q8: How could Jobs and Skills Australia present its data and advice to aid stakeholders in informing their needs? What formats could better inform your work?
We need online zoom meetings and round table discussions. The government needs to go back to the past and create online bulletin boards where users give feedback.
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