TAFE Centres of Excellence

Through the National Skills Agreement, the Australian Government has partnered with states and territories to establish nationally networked TAFE Centres of Excellence to help deliver a skilled workforce for strategically important industries to meet national challenges.

TAFE Centres of Excellence will increase collaboration between TAFEs, through partnerships with employers, unions, universities and other stakeholders, and deliver the skills people need for good, secure work and careers.

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What is a TAFE Centre of Excellence?

The Australian Government is investing up to $325 million over five years, with matched funding from states and territories, to establish nationally networked TAFE Centres of Excellence. The TAFE Centres of Excellence will strengthen capability and capacity of the VET system to provide high-quality and responsive skills training for critical and emerging industries, including the transformation to a net zero economy, sustaining essential care and support services, ensuring our digital and technological capability, and sovereign capability and food security.

TAFE Centres of Excellence will share best practice teaching and learning products with other TAFE institutions across Australia, including through the National TAFE Network. This will position TAFEs as the foundation for innovation across the VET sector through nationally consistent, world-class teaching and learning. Partnerships between the TAFE Centres of Excellence and universities will strengthen connections across the tertiary sector, providing support for students of all ages to gain the skills and knowledge needed to obtain good, secure jobs that allow them to contribute meaningfully to businesses and the broader Australian labour market.

The Australian Government has partnered with the following states and territories on TAFE Centres of Excellence.

Turbocharging TAFE Centres of Excellence

To support the release of Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities, the Australian Government has announced additional funding to fast-track TAFE Centres of Excellence established under the NSA. These Centres will be nationally networked to deliver training in the priority areas of transition to net zero, providing essential care and support services, and building digital skills capability. A total of $41.2 million in additional funding over five years is available to support this measure. Of that:

  • States will be able to apply for $31.6 million to fast-track TAFE Centres of Excellence. This funding is in addition to the funding available through the NSA.
  • A further $9.6 million will support the enabling work for higher and degree apprenticeships.

The Department is currently working with states and territories on their TAFE Centre of Excellence and Turbocharging applications.


More information on the National Skills Agreement