Reforms to strengthen the quality of training in the VET system include revisions to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (the Standards) to ensure they are clear and outcome-focused, and the development of the VET Workforce Blueprint to grow, support and retain a quality VET workforce.
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Revising the Standards for RTOs
The Standards have been revised to strengthen the focus on quality outcomes for learners and employers, provide greater clarity for RTOs and regulators, and allow for more flexibility and innovation in training delivery.
Development of the revised Standards has been informed by comprehensive consultation with and feedback from the sector, along with analysis of quality standards from other sectors, expert reviews, and research. The revised Standards propose significant changes to the structure and content of the Standards, providing a clearer and more direct link between the requirements RTOs are expected to meet and the outcomes they are expected to deliver.
In late 2023, piloting of the draft revised Standards was undertaken in collaboration with VET regulators. Piloting sought to test the practical application of the revised Standards, ensure they support effective regulation, and ensure that RTO performance against the draft revised Standards is measurable and can be effectively evidenced across different RTO settings.
Summary of outcomes from the piloting activities
Read the revised Standards and find out more
Blueprint for the VET Workforce
The VET Workforce Blueprint identifies opportunities and actions to address challenges and barriers to the attraction, retention and development of the VET workforce.