2024 DEWR Employment Services Provider Forum & Employment Facilitators and Support Officers Conference

This story was first published on Wednesday 28 August 2024. If you wish to use this content, please contact media@dewr.gov.au to confirm that the information is still current.

Earlier this month, DEWR hosted the Employment Facilitators and Support Officers Conference and the DEWR Employment Services Provider Forum at Rydges Hotel World Square, Sydney. Over 160 Employment Facilitators, Support Officers, employment services providers, peak bodies, and DEWR staff came together to collaborate and engage in meaningful discussions about employment service delivery in Australia.

Employment Facilitators and Support Officers Conference

On Wednesday 7 August, the day before the Forum, the department hosted the annual Employment Facilitators and Support Officers Conference.

Employment Facilitators and Support Officers came together to reflect on key elements and recent successes of the Local Jobs Program, and to explore and unpack how they can maintain the momentum of the Local Jobs Program.

The conference also provided opportunity to consider the complexity of employment services and how Employment Facilitator’s and Support Officer’s experiences contribute to reform design. The afternoon session provided opportunity to hear about successful Local Initiatives Fund activities and outcomes, and to collaborate on innovative activities.

DEWR Employment Services Provider Forum

On Thursday 8 August, Employment Facilitators, employment services provider representatives and peak bodies attended the annual Employment Services Provider Forum. Sessions focussed on labour market updates, improving client support, working well with employers and maximising impact through a place-based approach.

The Forum included a keynote address and welcome from the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Senator the Hon Murray Watt, and our very own DEWR Secretary, Natalie James delivered an insightful address.

For the full speech, visit: Secretary’s speech at the Workforce Australia National Forum – 8 August 2024 - Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Australian Government (dewr.gov.au)

Professor Barney Glover, Commissioner, Jobs and Skills Australia also addressed the Forum providing an update on the labour market.

Attendees shared the different ways they support employers to tailor job requirements and deliver support to individuals including:

  • tapping into skills and training initiatives
  • using place-based approaches
  • working with employers, and
  • understanding client’s needs.

The forum was an opportunity for the department and its stakeholders to share information, experiences and engage in meaningful discussions on providing employment services to Australians. 

Employment Facilitator’s group photo

Support Officer’s group photo

Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Senator the Hon Murray Watt providing the keynote address at the DEWR Employment Services Provider Forum.

Natalie James, DEWR Secretary addressing the DEWR Employment Services Provider Forum

Professor Barney Glover, addressing the DEWR Employment Services Provider Forum.

Correct at time of publication.