Financial support available for Australian Apprentices and employers in priority occupations

Australian Apprenticeship Incentives

This story was first published on Tuesday 2 July 2024. If you wish to use this content, please contact to confirm that the information is still current.

The Australian Government provides financial incentives to Australian Apprentices and their employers through the Australian Apprenticeship Incentive System (Incentive System).  

From 1 July 2024, the Incentive System financial support is targeted towards apprentices and employers working in priority occupations listed on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List

These incentives are designed to help apprentices complete their apprenticeships and support employers to keep their apprentices on.  Payments are now front-loaded for apprentices, meaning they receive more of the incentive during the first year of the apprenticeship. 

Providing more support during the initial stages of the apprenticeship is critical for helping keep apprentices on their career pathway into priority occupations. 

Incentives for Australian Apprentices 

Australian Apprentice Training Support Payment

It provides up to $5,000 for eligible Australian Apprentices in occupations listed on the Australian Apprenticeship Priority List and is paid over 4 instalments. Payments have been front loaded to provide greater support in the first year of the apprenticeship.

New Energy Apprentice Support Payment

Apprentices who work in occupations identified as clean energy on the Australian Apprenticeship Priority list may be eligible for the New Energy Apprentice Support Payment. The New Energy Apprenticeship Support Payment offers up to $10,000 for a full-time apprenticeship and up to $5,000 for a part-time apprenticeship over their apprenticeship. It’s available where employers can provide apprentices with meaningful exposure, experience and work in clean energy. 

Incentive for Employers

Priority Hiring Incentive

Employers of Australian Apprentices in priority occupations may be eligible to receive the Priority Hiring Incentive. It provides employers with up to $5,000 in the first year of an apprenticeship, paid over two instalments.

Find out more about the financial support for employers

The Incentive System plays a key role in building a more inclusive and sustainable economy, ensuring Australians receive quality training while in employment. 

For more information on changes to Australian Apprenticeships from 1 July, visit the Australian Apprenticeship website

Correct at time of publication.