Jobs and Skills Australia Amendment Bill introduced

Map of Australia made out of a range of icons with text Jobs and Skills Australia Leglislation introduced - Find out more

This story was first published on Tuesday 28 March 2023. If you wish to use this content, please contact to confirm that the information is still current.

The Australian Government has established Jobs and Skills Australia to provide independent advice to the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations and the Minister for Skills and Training on current, emerging, and future workforce, skills, and training needs.

Legislation update

On 22 March 2023, the Australian Government introduced into Parliament the Jobs and Skills Australia Amendment Bill 2023. The Bill delivers on the Government’s commitment to establish Jobs and Skills Australia’s permanent arrangements as a tripartite, statutory body.

The Bill has been informed by extensive stakeholder consultation through the Jobs and Skills Australia Discussion Paper and consultation, including as part of the Jobs and Skills Summit.

The Bill proposes to establish Jobs and Skills Australia with a Commissioner and Deputy Commissioners, and a Ministerial Advisory Board to engage widely to support the delivery of Jobs and Skills Australia’s work program.

The Bill also proposes expanded functions for Jobs and Skills Australia to improve the identification of labour imbalances across the economy, analyse skills demand and supply, and undertake studies to improve the understanding of Australians that have historically experienced disadvantage and exclusion in the labour market, including those marginalised by way of age, health, gender, or background. 

Jobs and Skills Australia’s advice will help government to implement policies and programs designed to build a better-trained workforce and a more productive economy, creating opportunities for all Australians to prosper.

It will work with unions, employers, state and territory governments, education and training providers and other key stakeholders in providing the advice needed to improve skills development, employment opportunities and economic growth.

Jobs and Skills Australia will lead research and analysis, harness insights from industry, undertake workforce forecasting and prepare capacity studies for emerging and growing industries. It will provide critical insight into traditionally disadvantaged groups, regional analysis, and support workforce planning.

Jobs and Skills Australia’s advice will inform government policy, programs, and investment; business and industry planning; and the choices Australians make about their education, training and employment.

More information

Correct at time of publication.