FEG IP Online Frequently Asked Questions

FEG IP Online provides a single online portal for exchange of all information between the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations and insolvency practitioners (IPs) in relation to claims, verification services, payments and recoveries under the Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG). Included below is a list of frequently asked questions to assist IPs to use FEG IP Online.

Why do IPs need to use FEG IP Online?

FEG IP Online represents a significant investment by the department and was introduced to assist Insolvency Practitioners (IPs) manage and perform all FEG related work.

Using FEG IP Online will:

  • improve communication between the IP firm and the department
  • ease the administrative burden in the transmission of relevant information and documents
  • increase transparency for IPs on the status of FEG cases and claims, and
  • streamline processes to enable improved decision and payment timeframes.

Who can use FEG IP Online?

FEG IP Online is designed specifically for IPs, including those engaged from the FEG Contract Panel to provide verification services.

FEG staff do not use FEG IP Online – FEG uses a separate tool that interfaces with FEG IP Online.

How do IPs register to use FEG IP Online?

If your firm has been registered for FEG IP Online, you will need to contact your firm System Administrator and ask them to create a FEG IP Online account for you.

If the firm has not been registered for FEG IP Online, you will need to contact FEG IP Helpline on (02) 6240 0440 who will provide you with an Account Creation Form which will need to be returned to FEGIPOnline@dewr.gov.au for the department to create and link an eCitizen account for users listed on the form.

Once an account has been created, you will receive an email with a one-time link to activate your account as well as an SMS containing an activation code.

If you have not activated your account within 72 hours of receiving your one-time link and SMS activation code they will need to be resent - please contact the FEG IP Helpline.

How should IPs access FEG IP Online?

Access is directly through FEG IP Online or via the FEG Information for Insolvency Practitioners section of the the department's website.

What can IPs do if they forget their user ID and/or password?

IPs are able to recover these details via the eCitizen self-service website by accessing the ‘Forgotten Password’ link located below the ‘eCitizen Login’ button on the login page of FEG IP Online.

If both have been forgotten, the user ID must be recovered first because it is required as part of the forgotten password recovery process.

How do IPs receive tasks?

IPs receive tasks via FEG IP Online instead of the department sending documents to IPs for completion in emails. Short notification alert emails are used to prompt IP liaisons to log into FEG IP Online when they have a new or overdue task.

If a task has been reassigned to another user within the firm, that user will not receive notification.

Email alerts can be categorised as follows:

  • task creation – an email alert is sent to the initial assigned user when a new task is created
  • overdue task – an email alert is sent to the current assigned user when the task becomes overdue. Overdue task emails are sent on the first day the task is overdue and then weekly from then on
  • escalation emails - these will be sent to the liquidator if no response is received from the liaison.

What can an IP try if a task is not visible in FEG IP Online?

If you are having issues with being able to action or submit your tasks, please approach your firm System Administrator in the first instance and have them check the roles you have been assigned.

Where you are unable to find a particular case in the case search, the case search function defaults searches to a status of ’Active‘. Where the cases you are trying to search is a different status ie in ’Recovery‘ or ’Closed‘, this will not yield any results. If this occurs, try searching for the case with a “Blank” status category. If this still yields no results, there are a few reasons as to why this may occur; the task may have been recalled by FEG and therefore is now unavailable on FEG IP Online. If you are unable to find the case in which a task is related to, the most common reason is that the case has not been made visible to the firm. The best course of action would be to contact the FEG IP Helpline on (02) 6240 0440 to have this issue rectified.

How can IPs contact the FEG liaison within the Department?

IPs can initiate two forms of communication to the department within FEG IP Online:

  • IP Initiated Tasks (relating to an existing FEG matter which will be present within your dashboard) or
  • IP initiated Messages (relating to any matter which is absent from your dashboard).

Detailed guidance for these features can be found within the FEG IP Online Help Guide. FEG IP Online also lists the direct number for the FEG liaison within the department for particular tasks within the task details section.

Please note that this number is for IPs only.  Claimants should be referred to the FEG Hotline 1300 135 040.

Why do IPs receive task alert emails from FEG?

The department recognises that IPs have other work and will not be checking FEG IP Online every day to see whether there are any new tasks.  Email alerts are designed ultimately to ensure payments made to redundant workers are accurate and timely.

How can IPs print in FEG IP Online?

To print a:

  • document sent or made available through FEG IP Online you simply open the document and select print
  • questionnaires that are sent, you select the print option at the bottom of the page
  • task or the comments within the task, you can take a screen shot, copy then paste into a Word document then print.

Who can IPs contact for support?

The FEG IP Helpline is your point of contact for all technical issues, including logins, system errors and any other system issues that may prevent an IP from actioning tasks in FEG IP Online.

What can IPs view in FEG IP Online?

IP’s will be able to view cases and claims that have been made visible to their firm.  From 1 July 2016 all historical FEG cases that your firm was either the verifying firm or the liquidating firm were set to visible.  The department has the ability to make cases visible to relevant firms if needed.

For cases that have been made visible to your firm, all users are able to view all details, however FEG IP Online has role groups which provide permissions for each user eg you cannot submit a task to the department unless you have the submit task role group or are a System Administrator.

Documentation submitted by a claimant is not automatically visible to IP’s.  However, if requested, the department can upload relevant supporting documentation to assist you in your role as IP.

FEG IP Online Frequently Asked Questions.pdf
Creation Date
Modified date
FOI Reference
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Attorney-General's Department
Publication Category
Departmental document
English / Australian English

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