Investing in a renewable future through the Tasmanian Clean Energy Centre of Excellence

Tasmanian Clean Energy Centre of Excellence – Burnie, Tasmania

The Australian and Tasmanian governments are working together to establish the Clean Energy Centre of Excellence at TasTAFE’s Burnie campus.

The Australian and Tasmanian governments are jointly investing $26.4 million over 5 years through the National Skills Agreement to establish the new Tasmanian Clean Energy Centre of Excellence.

In addition, as part of the Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities, a further $0.8 million will be provided through the Turbocharging measure.

This investment, totalling $27.2 million, will develop training in the clean energy sector with a focus on wind generation and hydro pump technology. This is being done to facilitate alternative pathways into the sector and strengthen employment pipelines.

In particular, the Centre will:

  • pilot a STEM careers hub and Associated Career Awareness Program
  • develop an electrotechnology trainer strategy that will include models for industry participation in VET trainer upskilling to deliver more clean energy qualifications
  • conduct applied research for clean energy and related trades
  • redevelop an energy trades facility at TasTAFE’s Burnie campus.

Leveraging partnerships in the renewable energy industry, this Centre will build upon existing investments from the Tasmanian government in the clean energy sector.


TAFE Centres of Excellence aim to increase collaboration between TAFEs, through partnerships with employers, unions, universities and other stakeholders. They will deliver the skills people need for good, secure work and meaningful careers.

The Australian Government is investing $325 million under the 5-year National Skills Agreement to establish a network of up to 20 TAFE Centres of Excellence.

Each Centre of Excellence will focus on high skills needs to help deliver a skilled workforce for strategically important industries.

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Correct at time of publication.