Time to Work Employment Services - Assessments Guideline

TWES Assessments Guideline as of 01 July 2023.

All Clients in the Time to Work Employment Service (the Service) receive comprehensive employment assessments via both the Job Seeker Classification Instrument (JSCI) and the Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) while in Prison. In other Employment Services Programs, a Client only receives an ESAt if a JSCI indicates the need for one. For the Service, all Clients are offered an ESAt.

These assessments reflect the Client’s current circumstances, their employment goals, skills, education and abilities so they can be referred to, and receive, the employment services most appropriate to their needs to help them to gain employment.

The JSCI measures a Client’s relative level of disadvantage in the labour market. It determines what level of services the Client may receive when referred to Workforce Australia Services on release from Prison.

The ESAt determines whether a Client’s capacity to work is impacted by a medical condition or other complex barriers. This allows the Employment Services Providers to tailor their services to meet the needs of the Client. This includes, for example, whether a Client is entitled to Workforce Australia servicing, has partial capacity to work or should be referred to Disability Employment Services (DES) on their release from Prison.

The information collected in the JSCI and ESAt assessments provides Providers with valuable information to support their work with Clients by identifying available employment assistance. These assessments outline the support a Client needs and helps Providers to understand their Client’s circumstances and develop activities tailored to their Client.

The information in the Transition Plan forms the basis of the Facilitated Transfer Meeting to ensure that appropriate services are available and provided to a Client following their release.

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Creation Date
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FOI Reference
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Publication Category
Departmental document
English / Australian English

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