New Employment Services Trial (NEST) - Disability Support Pension Recipients (Compulsory Requirements)

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This Guideline advises Providers of their responsibilities to Disability Support Pension (DSP) recipients under 35 years of age who have an assessed work capacity of at least eight hours per week and do not have a child under six years). These Participants are required to be engaged and participating in at least one compulsory activity to improve their employment prospects and increase their participation in paid work.

These compulsory activities may include participation in NEST Trial Provider services and will depend on an individual’s circumstance.

The Provider should focus on increasing the DSP recipient’s work capacity and engagement with NEST Trial Provider Services to assist them to prepare for, find, and maintain employment with the overall aim of decreasing their reliance on Income Support Payments.

Creation Date
FOI Reference
Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business
Publication Category
Departmental document
English / Australian English

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