Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency
Portfolio Budget Statements for the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency
Australian Building and Construction Commission
Portfolio Budget Statements for the Australian Building and Construction Commission.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority Budget Statements 2018–19
The ACARA Budget Statements 2018–19 provide information on the proposed allocation of funds to achieve government outcomes.
An accessible Word (DOCX) version of the Education and Training Portfolio Budget Statements 2018–19 is available.
Australian Research Council Budget Statements 2018–19
The ARC Budget Statements 2018–19 provide information on the proposed allocation of funds to achieve government outcomes.
An accessible Word (DOCX) version of the Education and Training Portfolio Budget Statements 2018–19 is available.
Australian Skills Quality Authority Budget Statements 2018–19
The ASQA Budget Statements 2018–19 provide information on the proposed allocation of funds to achieve government outcomes.
An accessible Word (DOCX) version of the Education and Training Portfolio Budget Statements 2018–19 is available.
Comcare, the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission, and the Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority
Portfolio Budget Statements for Comcare, the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission, and the Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority
Department of Education and Training Budget Statements 2018–19
The Department of Education and Training Budget Statements 2018–18 provide information on the proposed allocation of funds to achieve government outcomes.
An accessible Word (DOCX) version of the Education and Training Portfolio Budget Statements 2018–19 is available.
Department of Jobs and Small Business
Portfolio Budget Statements for the Department of Jobs and Small Business
Education and Training Portfolio Budget Statements 2018–19
The Education and Training Portfolio Budget Statements 2018–19 provide information on the proposed allocation of funds to achieve government outcomes. They include budget statements for the department as well as agencies working under the portfolio.
An accessible Word (DOCX) version is also available
Education and Training Portfolio Budget Statements 2018–19 (Accessible Version)
An accessible version of the Education and Training Portfolio Budget Statements 2018–19.
The Education and Training Portfolio Budget Statements 2018–19 provide information on the proposed allocation of funds to achieve government outcomes. They include budget statements for the department as well as agencies working under the portfolio.
Education and Training Portfolio Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements 2017–18
The Education and Training Portfolio Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements 2017–18 provide an update to the government expenditure estimates for the 2017–18 budget year and reflect changes since the Budget and Additional Estimates.
An accessible Word (DOCX) version is also available
Education and Training Portfolio Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements 2017–18 (Accessible Version)
An accessible version of the Education and Training Portfolio Budget Statements 2018–19.
The Education and Training Portfolio Budget Statements 2018–19 provide an update to the government expenditure estimates for the 2014–15 budget year and reflect changes since the Budget and Additional Estimates.
Fair Work Commission
Portfolio Budget Statements for the Fair Work Commission
Fair Work Ombudsman and the Registered Organisations Commission
Portfolio Budget Statements for the Fair Work Ombudsman and the Registered Organisations Commission.
Portfolio Budget Statements 2018‑19
Jobs and Innovation Portfolio (Jobs and Small Business) 2018–19 Portfolio Budget Statements
Portfolio Budget Statements Glossary
Jobs and Small Business Portfolio Budget Statements glossary
Portfolio Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements 2017–18
Portfolio Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements 2017–18
Safe Work Australia
Portfolio Budget Statements for Safe Work Australia
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Budget Statements 2018–19
The TEQSA Budget Statements 2018–19 provide information on the proposed allocation of funds to achieve government outcomes.
An accessible Word (DOCX) version of the Education and Training Portfolio Budget Statements 2018–19 is available.
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Budget Statements 2018–19
The AITSL Budget Statements 2018–19 provide information on the proposed allocation of funds to achieve government outcomes.
An accessible Word (DOCX) version of the Education and Training Portfolio Budget Statements 2018–19 is available.