These resources can help you to understand your rights, entitlements and responsibilities in the workplace.
On this page:
Knowing your rights and entitlements
The Fair Work Ombudsman can help you understand your workplace rights and entitlements.
- Check what you are receiving from your employer
- Minimum hourly pay rates
- Sick leave and holiday pay
If you've been retrenched
The Redundancy Information Statement can help you if you’ve recently been retrenched.
- Understand your rights and entitlements
- Contact support services
- Find a new job
Flexible work arrangements
The Fair Work Ombudsman can help you learn more about flexible work arrangements.
- Negotiating flexible arrangements
- Employee entitlements
- How flexible working has been successful for other Australian small businesses
Request data on your Enterprise Agreement
You can request data about your Australian Enterprise Agreement through the Fair Work Commission.
- Submit a Workplace Agreements Database request
- Read reports on federal enterprise agreements
- View data on coverage, wage increases and conditions of employment
Assistance for employees who lose their job due to insolvency
The Fair Entitlements Guarantee may be able to provide you with financial assistance if you lose because your employer is insolvent and you have unpaid employee entitlements.
- Check your eligibility
- Find out what FEG covers

Support for paid parental leave
The Paid Parental Leave scheme can help you with up to 18 weeks of government-funded Parental Leave Pay.
- Check your eligibility
- Workplace rights relating to pregnancy, parental leave and return to work
The national workplace relations system – contributing agencies
These government agencies all help deliver the national workplace relations system:
- Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman
- Fair Work Ombudsman
- Fair Work Commission
- Safe Work Australia
- Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner
- The Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission
- Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority
You can find about Australia's National Workplace Relations System by going to:
Australia’s National Workplace Relations System