Departmental File List - 1 January to 30 July 2015
Procedural Order of Continuing Effect Number 12 requires each Department to publish a list of the titles of all relevant files, including new parts of existing files, created in the preceding six months commencing on 1 January and on 30 July 2015.
Departmental File List - 1 January to 30 June 2015
2016–17 Department of Employment Corporate Plan
The 2016–17 Department of Employment Corporate Plan is the overarching performance reporting document for the Department.
Department of Education and Training Corporate Plan 2015-19
This Corporate Plan has been superseded.
Certification from the Secretary of the Department of Education and Training for the Parent Engagement campaign mass media activities
Department of Education and Training Legal services Expenditure 2014/15
Paragraph 11.1 (ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2005 states that the accountable authority of a non-corporate Commonwealth entity is responsible for ensuring that, by 30 October each year, the entity makes publicly available records of its legal services expenditure for the previous financial year.
Fair Work Ombudsman - Statement of Expectations
This document outlines the Minister’s expectations on the Fair Work Ombudsman regarding the objectives and priorities of the deregulation agenda.
Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner - Statement of Expectations
This document outlines the Minister’s expectations on the Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner regarding the objectives and priorities of the deregulation agenda.
Safe Work Australia - Statement of Expectations
This document outlines the Minister’s expectations on Safe Work Australia regarding the objectives and priorities of the deregulation agenda.
Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission - Statement of Expectations
This document outlines the Minister’s expectations on the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission regarding the objectives and priorities of the deregulation agenda.
Workplace Gender Equality Agency - Statement of Expectations
This document outlines the Minister’s expectations on the Workplace Gender Equality Agency regarding the objectives and priorities of the deregulation agenda.
Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency - Statement of Expectations
This document outlines the Minister’s expectations on the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency regarding the objectives and priorities of the deregulation agenda.
Comcare - Statement of Expectations
This document outlines the Minister’s expectations on Comcare regarding the objectives and priorities of the deregulation agenda.
Fair Work Commission - Statement of Expectations
This document outlines the Minister’s expectations on the Fair Work Commission regarding the objectives and priorities of the deregulation agenda.
Department of Employment Reconciliation Action Plan
The May 2017 - May 2020 Reconciliation Action Plan promotes the Department’s commitment to reconciliation and improving outcomes for Indigenous Australians in the key areas of employment and workplace relations, and is taking a coordinated approach to embedding reconciliation into everyday business practices.
Education Grants Announcements up to 30 June 2016
This document provides a list of grants awarded by the Department of Education and Training.
Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency
Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency Portfolio Budget Statements
Comcare, the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission, and the Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority
Comcare, the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission, and the Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority Portfolio Budget Statements
Education and Training Portfolio Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements 2014–15
Fair Work Commission
Fair Work Commission Portfolio Budget Statements