Addendum – VSL Six Monthly Report January to June 2019 – Tables 1 to Table 6
Addendum for the VSL Six Monthly Report January to June 2019 – Tables 1 to Table 6.
VSL Six Monthly Report January to June 2019
Section 103A of the VET Student Loans Act 2016 requires the Secretary to publish certain VET Student Loans (VSL) program statistical information within 42 days after the end of the six month period beginning on 1 January and 1 July each year.
Quick Guide - Applications
This quick guide provides information on the application process for VET Student Loans.
Quick Guide - Census Days and Fee Periods
This quick guide provides information on the census day and fee period requirements for VET Student Loans.
Quick Guide - Eligibility
This quick guide provides information on the student eligibility requirements for VET Student Loans.
Quick Guide - Information Requirements
This quick guide helps providers to understand what information they must provide to students.
Quick Guide - Marketing and Publishing
This quick guide provides information on marketing requirements related to the VET Student Loans program.
Quick Guide - Processes and Procedures
This quick guide explains some of the processes and procedures that providers must have in place.
Quick Guide - Progressions
This quick guide provides information on student engagement and progression requirements for VET Student Loans.
Quick Guide - Record Keeping
This quick guide provides information on the record keeping requirements for VET Student Loans.
Statutory Declaration Form - citizenship - First Nations student - birth not registered
This Statutory Declaration is only to be used by First Nations students applying for a VET Student Loan, whose birth was not registered by the relevant State/Territory authority.
VET Student Loans Ongoing Financial Performance Requirements
An approved provider (other than a TAFE, university or government owned entity) must give the Secretary general purpose financial statements for each financial year of its approval period, within 3 months after the end of the financial year. This fact sheet outlines the ongoing financial performance requirements for VET Student Loans (VSL) providers.
VET Student Loans Application Fee and Annual Charge
Fact sheet on the VET Student Loans Application Fee and Annual Charge.
VSL Annual report Jan-Dec 2017
This report focuses on students whose tuition fees were paid (whether in whole or in part) using a VET Student Loan (VSL) in 2017. This report refers to these students as VSL ‑ assisted students.
VSL Annual report Jan-Dec 2017 – Table 6 addendum
ument is an attachment to the VSL Annual Statistical Report 2017
Redevelopment and Audit of the VSL Data Collection Discussion Paper
The Redevelopment and Audit of the VET Student Loans Data Collection Discussion Paper (the paper) opens consultation with VSL stakeholders to seek views on how the department and DHS can ensure relevant, high quality data is collected through the Collection, using best practice submission processes. This paper is similar in purpose and aim to the Redevelopment and Audit of the Higher Education Data Collection Discussion Paper distributed to higher education providers in January 2018.
VSL Six-monthly report – 1 July to 31 December 2017
The Six-monthly statistical report provides general information about VET Student Loans (VSL) for 1 July to 31 December 2017.
VSL Six-monthly report – 1 July to 31 December 2017 – Table 6
The Table 6 addendum accompanies the Six-monthly statistical report for VET Student Loans (VSL) for 1 July to 31 December 2017.
VET Student Loans Course Caps Indexed Amounts (for providers)
This document is a guide for providers to how indexation is applied to VET Student Loans course and loan caps.
VET Student Loans Courses and Loan Caps
Information about how the VET Student Loans (Courses and Loan Caps) Determination 2016 (the Determination) sets out the approved courses and loan caps which may apply to all approved providers, as well as a smaller number of courses only approved for specified listed and not-for-profit providers.