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Jobs and Skills Councils – Performance Framework
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The Performance Framework is an attachment to the Jobs and Skills Council Program Guidelines.
What we've heard from parents
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This document outlines input and comments from parents during consultations between June and September 2023.
Parents Advisory Group – Meeting 1 Communiqué
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The Parents Advisory Group (the Group) established to advise the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (the Department) on the development and implementation of the new Parents Preemployment Service held its first meeting on 26 March 20
Meeting 2 Communiqué - 9 May 2024
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The Parents Advisory Group (the Group) held its second meeting on 9 May 2024. The meeting was held face-to-face in Melbourne, with some attendees attending virtually.
Profile: Mr Robert Fitzgerald AM, Age Discrimination Commissioner – Part 1
This month, we’ve been sharing useful resources in recognition of Ageism Awareness Day on Wednesday 9 October 2024. Let’s challenge misconceptions, create inclusive workplaces, and value older Australians in the workforce.
Profile: Mr Robert Fitzgerald AM, Age Discrimination Commissioner – Part 2
In part 2 of our discussion with Age Discrimination Commissioner, Robert Fitzgerald, we cover mature age workers across sectors, advice for mature age workers and how employers can embrace age diversity.
Meeting 4 Communiqué – 5 September 2024
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The Parents Advisory Group (the Group) held its fourth meeting on 5 September 2024. The meeting was held virtually. The Group consists of parent representatives, community organisations and an academic expert
Supervisor App resources
The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations launched an updated version of the Supervisor App in July 2023.
Consideration of international enrolment caps including on Victorian TAFEs
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Consideration of international student enrolment caps including on in Victorian TAFEs.
Trades Recognition Australia
Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) is a skills assessment service for people with trade skills gained overseas or in Australia that require a skills assessment for the purpose of migration.