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فهم حظر الحجر المصمّم هندسيًا
قامت أستراليا بحظر تصنيع وإمداد ومعالجة وتركيب أسطح مناضد المطابخ والألواح وقطع البلاط المصنوعة من الحجر المصمّم هندسيًا.
澳大利亚政府将从 2025 年 1 月 1 日起禁止进口人造石台面、面板和板材。
Understanding the engineered stone ban
Australia has banned the manufacture, supply, processing and installation of engineered stone benchtops, panels and slabs.
Understanding the engineered stone ban
Australia has banned the manufacture, supply, processing and installation of engineered stone benchtops, panels and slabs.
엔지니어드 스톤 금지에 대한 이해
호주는 엔지니어드 스톤 벤치탑, 패널 및 슬래브의 제조, 공급, 가공 및 설치를 금지하고 있습니다.
각 주와 준주에서는 이 금지 조치를 이행하기 위하여 근로 보건 및 안전 관련 법률에 특정한 변경 사항을 도입했습니다. 이러한 변화는 근로자와 가족, 지역사회를 보호할 것입니다.
Hiểu về lệnh cấm đá nhân tạo
Nước Úc đã cấm việc sản xuất, cung cấp, gia công và lắp đặt mặt bàn bếp, tấm và phiến đá nhân tạo.
Announcing the 2024 Australian Training Awards Finalist!
The Hon Andrew Giles MP, Minister for Skills and Training, has announced the finalists for the 2024 Australian Training Awards, celebrating excellence across Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) sector.
Occupation spotlight: Building and Plumbing Labourer
Find out how to become a Building and Plumbing Labourer and the career opportunities available.
Engineering Essentials
Workforce Specialist Prestige Staffing Solutions is currently delivering the “Engineering Essentials” project.
The Australian Apprenticeships Priority List Factsheet
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A document outlining the updated Priority List, including clean energy occupations, how these occupations were selected and how the list will be used.
Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System Factsheet
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A summary of the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System and list of new supports for apprentices and employers.
Australian Apprenticeships Priority List – 1 January 2025
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Document identifying current priority occupations for the Australian Apprenticeship Priority List.
Youth Advisory Group
Applications are now open for young people aged 16 to 25 to join the Australian Government’s Youth Advisory Groups, to have the opportunity to work with their peers and provide direct advice to government in 2024.
Easy Read versions
Parent Pathways is a support service for parents and carers with children under 6 years old.
You can use this free service when it suits you and your family.