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Government responds to paid family and domestic violence leave entitlement report
The Government has released its response to the findings and recommendations in the final report of the independent review into the paid family and domestic violence leave entitlement.
Australian Government Response to the Independent Review of the operation of the paid family and domestic violence leave entitlement in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)
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Australian Government Response to the Independent Review of the operation of the paid family and domestic violence leave entitlement in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).
Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave Review
An independent statutory review into the operation of the Fair Work Amendment (Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Act 2022.
Jobs Showcase
The Jobs Showcase is a series of educational webinars that profile industries with demand for workers. Attendees can hear from guest speakers including employers, employees, and industry experts.
VET Student Loans Provider Newsletter
The VSL Provider Newsletter is how we let you know about program updates and reminders about the program administrative requirements.
Information relating to Long Service Leave entitlements
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Leave Policy and s 24(1) determination extracts relating to Long Service Leave entitlements.
Support for current and former employees of Mosaic Brands
If you need to speak to someone about the impact your job situation is having on you and/or your family, reach out to a service listed in the Looking after yourself section below.
Debt complaints
This page provides information about VET Student Loans debt issues and complaints, including complaints about providers.
DEWR AI Transparency Statement
The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations is engaging with artificial intelligence (AI) in a way that prioritises human rights, the protection of personal information, and respecting Indigenous data, while keeping humans at the centre o
Information for VET Student Loans Approved Providers
This page contains resources and information for VET Student Loans (VSL) approved providers.
Apprenticeship Support
The Australian Government delivers targeted support to Australian Apprentices and their employers.
Organisation chart
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Organisation chart for the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.
Building Women’s Careers Program Stream One Partnership Projects announced
The Building Women’s Careers (BWC) Program is providing $60.6 million for partnership projects that drive systemic structural and cultural change in training and work environments crucial to the Future Made in Australia initiative.
Vocational Degree – a new degree-level qualification type for VET
The Vocational Degree is a new qualification in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and has been endorsed by Skills and Education Ministers.