Revitalising TAFE Campuses Across Australia Initiative

The Government committed $50 million for the Revitalising TAFE Campuses Across Australia program, in partnership with state and territory governments. This initiative aims to improve vocational education infrastructure ensuring TAFEs are equipped to deliver training to the standards expected by industry and students.

TAFE plays a valuable role in supporting people to skill, reskill or upskill. In recognition, the Government invested $50 million from 2020-21 to 2022-23 through the initiative, to support small infrastructure projects such as building and construction works to expand, upgrade or refurbish TAFE facilities and buildings, purchasing or upgrading specialist-training equipment, and investing in technological infrastructure.

Through a competitive merit process in early 2020, funding was awarded to high quality proposals from all states and territories that demonstrated the greatest value for money, industry support and potential for improving the quality of training delivery to meet student and industry needs and expectations.

The Revitalising TAFE Campuses Across Australia National Partnership Project Agreement and the individual state project summaries that have been entered into can be accessed on the Council on Federal Financial Relations website.